Ghost Robot

Luke's social commentary is the best.  Between talking about politicians breaking promises and his comments on the laziness of the police.

I think that's what made Northwestern a bit of a joke.

Well he is the one with the tv host job now so I think he made out in the end.

You think that the Probst can be bothered to come out of his RV for a ladderball challenge?

the blueprints also had a note for "astronaut diaper for relief during long battles"

Those earrings will look really nice on your corpse

Um Nikki Cox eye candy, so fond memories

For all the in-fighting and lack of cohesion the women had at the beginning of this season, the men have proven to be the far more flawed team.  First they choose to give up immunity and go to tribal council themselves. And now, once they've merged, rather than keeping an all male alliance open as the women have, they

The preview for next week somewhat hinted that Jay and Troyzan were starting to worry about that.  It might also be the producers making something out of nothing.

Big Bang Theory is on CBS not ABC

"We could sleep under a car, you can't get fully raped under a car".

Might be a rough landing

Not too sure he'd survive the impact.  I mean sure the NASA space shuttle could re-enter the atmosphere, that didn't mean it could just slam into the planet though.

Haha, proven racist by the racist prover

Does that image show Kat repping a huge scar on her sternum or is it just weird lighting?

I don't think this proved a thing.  He called Bill "ghetto".  Christina also happens to be a different race so perhaps it solidified his racism.

I can't believe he's so full of himself.  The only reason he wasn't drop kicked from the tribe in the first two votes was because someone handed him and idol.

I like to think that the producers moved up the merge because the "misfits" tribe was going to continue to be blown out of the water.  And I enjoyed Colton's exit, he got to go out crying like a bitch.

My only issue is how do Kat, Alicia, and Tarzan all make the final three and no one else does. This woudl seem to mean that all the major players voted one another off, which does seem possible but not likely.

I think Robert being unable to confront Nellie comes from the same place where he is unable to directly confront his now ex-wife, he is unable to stand up to strong women. Not sure how this allowed him to swindle the company from Jo.