Ghost Robot

They could also spout bullshit southern politics at one another.

Yeah that was also an effect of them never shuffling the two tribes, so that you were on the same tribe right up to the merge.

The head trauma preventing them from reanimating is total bullshit, if that was the case, you'd think a broken neck would hamper a zombie.

They were dressed for late autumn and Hirschel mentioned that the swamp was hardening so it could be that the swamp is no longer the obstacle that it once was.

But he's a Republican and doesn't believe in hand outs, or so he'd like us to believe.

He could work for the red cross.

I think it stems from the fact that most of the male contestants haven't watched survivor, they don't know how the game works.  I recall a few episodes back they were deferring to Colton as to how the game plays out.

I do believe we're going to have a tribe shuffle next week, the previews teased something of the sort.  At least that's what I'm hoping for.

Hey all the letters are there, it's not his job to put them in the right order.

And from what I gathered about their honor talk; they were all pissed at Leif that he blabbed.  So pissed in fact that they had to immediately go to tribal to vote him out.  And then they voted out Bill.

That doesn't mean he doesn't believe the shit out of what he's saying.  He may not be as big a piece of shit as he comes across, but he's still a big piece of shit.

Yeah it could have been bad, however it then started pouring and ruined their fire.  I didn't quite pick up on what the women's excuse for not being able to use their flint was.

He also appears to be a bit of a racist, calling Bill Ghetto Trash.  Now I agree that Bill is annoying/crazy, but I didn't get the sense that he was at all "ghetto"

I may be incorrect but wasn't the soldier in the tank a zombie back in season one. I would imagine that he hadn't been bitten but rather offed himself.  This would suggest that any recently deceased person would zombify.  As to why he simply didn't just drive the tank and crush the zombies, I haven't a clue.

I know there have been some pretty ridiculous "jobs" listed for contestants before but "Ex-NFL Player's Wife"? Really?

On the Island of Misfit Boys

I think that's pretty close to some of the talks he gave the men on the Amazon season.

Hey! She works hard as an "Ex-NFL Player's Wife"!

It's cool, you're just a pirate

Rewatched the beginning this morning, now I'm doubly sad she had to go home.