Ghost Robot

The dog did have a surprising resemblance to Dwight

Did anyone else think he looks a lot like Tim Tebow

i did hear that kanye likes fish dicks

she said compro rather than compra and i'm pretty sure it should be por not para

kentaco hut if young adult is to be believed

"But 'The Shrink, The Dare, Her Date and Her Brother' came together rather nicely and seemed to be attempting something a little more formal than the usual 22 minutes of wackiness that the show excels at providing"
So would you say this episode had a Happy Ending?

I took spanish through high school and even I was aware of how inaccurate it was.  I was a little upset that Gloria didn't correct her; wrong form of comprar and using para instead of por.

Yeah except that the Hangover 2 was "the same, only less" as in less of the little side things that made the first one so good.

I actually hated Vanuatu for how Chris played it.  He sabotaged his team at the beginning and just happened to be the last man voted out. He then proceeded to luckily be forgotten about by the remaining women.  He made it to the end more out of luck than by being strategic.

Thailand or Fiji perhaps

He did save an orphaned snake however. Kinda the most "heroic" thing any person on the show has done

They couldn't have preempted 60 minutes?

Yeah I was a little disappointed that the space shuttle wasn't mentioned at all in the review, I thought it made for one of the better moments of the series.

Ocean's Eleven

the guy who said it would certainly rank among the douchiest men to ever live

I was thinking it was a kind of chocolate syrup mixture, since they were shown getting it in their mouths, certainly wasn't oil

She was also mentioned in this episode, so obviously the breakout star of the show

No, ladies want him, he just misses his wife

Also, I forgot to mention: Barkly! everybody's favorite dog butler.  I also appreciated the visual callback to the router Phil had set up in the attic.  If nothing else this show has great continuity.

Yeah, but that's nothing new. You could see her rib cage in the Hawaiian vacation episode