Ghost Robot

Yup, they mentioned it in the episode I think, and Wikipedia confirmed it.  From his appearance I thought he was at least late 20s

Brandon's dad is young looking but then again Brandon is only 19 apparently.

Yes he certainly did

I actually liked his choices, but I felt that he gave the reward to the three players that are most likely to be left once he re-enters the game.  I think he thought it was pretty obvious that Rick and Edna were going to be the next two out, so he wasn't seeking to gain their favor.  Although this doesn't help him

I dunno, I thought that tonight's was rigged in Cochrane's favor. I thought it was the least physical challenge they could've done aside from just straight up answering questions.

How is this not graded higher, all the of age ladies looking fine around the pool, I also thought the Haley's scheme in Target was pretty darn spectacular, especially her telling the cashier to wrap up with the customer

I thought this was a pretty weak episode, there were several grating moments, mostly in Brad and Jane's storyline, and there was little interaction between the 6 stars, something I consider a must on this show

Agreed, Jane and Brad's story was a little too cliche, classic sitcom mixups and whatnot

Trejo's character confirmed to Jax that Otto did indeed rat out Bobby. But he promised to use his CIA powers to get Bobby clear of the charges.  There was no further acknowledgement by the club however.

Seems like that will be part of the major issue next season.

yeah i had the idea in mind, just referenced the wrong show

whoops, apparently i wasn't thinking clearly in my rage, apologies all

Writers stepping up to the edge of the cliff and then just shuffling away, poor form sutter poor form, and to show the wire in the jail cell, the hubris

Roger on a hardroll!

On the bright side, at least we kinda had a reward that showed ranking within the tribe, i'll take the little things at this point.

And they could form a charter! And ride motorcycles! And get into all kinds of hijinks!

I imagine the answer to #2 is "this" - that in the past would be this

Dr. Mike is correct

I saw a commercial for this week's Terra Nova, and I'm curious how they unearth a fully decomposed skeleton when they themselves have only recently traveled back in time.  Granted I've never watched the show so I'm unsure of the timeline.

That's because the Office review was up roughly 12 hours before the League's