Ghost Robot


Andy's apparently a shoe shinist again? I know Tom's back, but Andy didn't take his job, Ron was looking for a replacement for Tom while Andy was Leslie's assistant

I also noticed that Penny had something weird going on with her forehead. Like it only had one crease when she frowned.  Bad botox or something?

I stand corrected, according to Wikipedia, the shell closes rather slowly and some of the larger specimen can't close completely

Are we sure giant clams aren't dangerous? I recall that there have been instances where they clamp on divers legs or arms and they eventually drown.  Maybe that's just urban legend or something from cartoons.

I always wonder why the castaways aren't shown eating more types of indigenous wildlife other than fish or shellfish.  To my recollection there was only one season where they ate snake, which if I'm led to believe correctly, is delicious.

I was watching online but I could barely make out the copters against the night sky, so probably not a lot in the way of budget spending.

T-Dog was also shown grabbing a baseball bat to go after "zombie" daryl

Weak stealth firsties

Season 1 had an episode where Pete actually confront Antonio Gates for having a ridiculous game and single handedly beating him.

I don't think all of these episodes were filmed before the season. This had to have been filmed recently just for how accurate the information was.


I guess my main problem was the way he went about doing it. It's one thing to jump ship for your own advancement. But the fact that he voted along with his tribe on the first vote that tied. He only swapped when he  might be the one to go home. It wasn't like he hated his tribe and wanted to go to greener pastures, he

I assumed it was a chupacabra, but it sort of looked like the world's ugliest dog winner.

I assumed it was a chupacabra, but it sort of looked like the world's ugliest dog winner.

Exactly, the Upolo tribe isn't going to fracture and it'll end with the six of them and cochrane

It's ok, I also despise him

And the beautiful thing for Coach is that of those final four, I can't think of one that would beat him in front of a jury.  Brandon's straight crazy, Edna's ridden coat tails hard, and Cochran stabbed his former tribe in the back.  Not that Coach will be able to finish the game without having pissed people off when

i caught part of a few episodes, it was mostly by just shouting at them

That firefighter dude from fans vs favorites was a pretty big muscle head, although kinda an ass