Ghost Robot

I laughed aloud several times, this was one of the first eps i watched live in a long time and thought it was a pretty good showing.  Then again i'm not horribly jaded, so that could be the problem.

Or maybe it was her goal to make every faithful viewer say it aloud at home

We did explicitly see him tell them those things.  Which makes him even more of a weasel in that he completely sold his old tribe out.  Although it's really Savaii's and to more of an extent Jim's fault.  They kept wanting to keep Ozzy out of a power position so they kept voting for his close allies rather than

Fucking Cochran, what a little bitch, Savaii's plan would have stood a much better chance if he didn't blab the whole thing to the other tribe.

Raffi did ask whether he wanted her mouth or not so I don't think it was straight up dp

Another great episode where they don't leave the bar is the dance off episode

Am I the only one who thinks that Kevin has very dark brown hair? I have no idea where the idea of having red hair came from.

Yeah I agree with the Eiffel Tower, my guess that the difference would be that they wouldn't press hands together

Yeah I think I'd call it a halloween episode if all but two characters are in halloween costumes and at a halloween party on halloween

Spiderman loves you

zoo keeper 2: zookeepier

I thought it was a reference to Piney sponsoring him for his election as president

Well if Wikipedia says it . . .

That always leaves me wondering, they can't afford new basic home depot doors?

Hasn't he actually been shown eating a sandwich during at least one of his scenes?

Yeah, I had to look it up. Armondo was the president of SAM-TAZ

Especially when we're the ones that will have to remove all the things from that table later!!!!

I'm pretty sure that Coach told Brandon he loved him because that's exactly what Brandon wanted to hear.  He's holding onto Brandon and Edna tight because he can get them to follow his lead and thus has the power of three votes.

Must have been because of her lovely low cut top

That's a question u could ask google