Ghost Robot

He's the blonde one with the scraggly goatee

I thought the exact same thing, haha zombies be poopin'

I personally enjoyed Ozzy's spelling of Cochran's name as Coch-Train

He said she wasn't too proud

I think they still want Ozzy around, both for the food he brings in and for his usefullness in challenges.

There was one on the Amazon season, and at least one other that I'm aware of. I think the season they split the tribes by race.

This is definitely at least the third time they've done the tear meat off with your mouth challenge.

Yup, I laughed hard at that

It got stale after the first 5 seconds he was on

Ah ha, I kept thinking Roosevelt seemed familiar and just couldn't place it.

You're not gonna not get Randy Jackson's autograph.

Totally Agree

It was also boring as shit

Cough, she's rich, cough

Where is your pride?

Double Snookies!

I heard his response as I didn't know that.  Yours seems to make more sense though

The planeteers want their rings back

Uh guys, she's multi-platinum  so says Tyra

I also thought that "half the time" meant weeks at a time, rather than every other day