Ghost Robot

I took the "Michael Scott Baby" to mean that Pam had been impregnated by him rather than they would name it after him

Being the first mate makes you management

Disagree, later they mention all the fish they shot

Was going to maybe give the show a chance just because I'm too lazy to change the channel, but that terrible laugh track made me jump up and move like lightning.

new kid i believe

6 seasons and a movie!


Can I interest you in a Stanley Nickel?

Yeah the going after one of lois's ancestors also seemed like the logical step to me

Just Sayin
Call of duty had the zombie mode as part of world at war 3 years ago, so it's not like they jumped on the band wagon recently

Oh bison took off in the 1800s when they almost got blasted off the face of the planet, but i agree bison is delicious

Scrawler, I agree, the ever-increasing cape references were great, I think the fact that there are barber regionals is slightly better though

I don't know why everybody feels the need to keep calling the rice white, seems a bit racist to me

Maybe he'll come back in the final three and won't have to be voted out.

For all the clues they kept throwing out for the idol that Rob already found, I also find it odd that there isn't a new idol out there that could help Zapatera. But seeing as how it doesn't benefit Rob in the long run, I guess we won't see one.

Season two means double trouble

She's a quadroon

Agreed, same shit different day

I'm not too sure that that picture offers evidence that Mike is the victor over Richard. They're both in the middle of the sofa, flanked by equal numbers on both sides. Richard may look dejected but that's clearly his m.o. and this isn't a set shot, people are talking in the back and looking off camera.

I can never quite tell if colby is commentating during the challenge or doing a voice over after. I feel like he's off standing alone by a microphone muttering to himself while the contestants try to concentrate.