Ghost Robot

Someone rang?

Michael . . .

I dunno, I think the blonde one came off as a pretty grating bitch judging by the other's reactions to her. They voted her off ahead of the clearly smarter (read dangerous) other girl

But will Rob be able to make his idol last til the merge?

I think the purple tribe has a fine strategy, they have a solid six and they win challenges. If they do happen to lose another challenge before the merge, they have another nice peace of cannon fodder to vote off. And if they lose a second then I'm sure the other five are leaning towards voting the lawyer. No sense

The fact is though, if they keep winning, which they seem to do well, they don't have to worry about thinking long game at the merge, they'll have numbers and will be able to off Rob's tribe.

You don't want to pet a penguin, they smell awful

The ? was there by the end of the first episode

I enjoyed the fact that Antonia was 3/4 italian and 1/4 jewish, as everyone knows that means she has ancestors from jewland.

Stewie's decay of character was addressed the same way seasons ago in "Stewie Kills Lois"

Rather than the cloning part I felt it had been done before in the episode where stewie "kills" lois. Brian comes up to him and tells him that he's no longer acting like the character he used to be, Stewie then sets out on a mission to be that character. Same set up

Jay S. totally missing the point here

There it is, I was wondering if someone was going to bring up Russell's nefarious results leaking

Terrible Movies
Those all sound like terrible movies

Ronnie's a 5 year old
Gets upset throws a temper tantrum

Apologies for the sarcasm, I completely misread your post

It's weird to me how people mix up uncles and brothers. One lives in your house and has the same parents as you and one's your uncle, so its an important distinction.

Step-Uncle, Jay's his step dad and Jay is Hailey Grandfather

I want cobbler

That's Steve, from machete squad