Ghost Robot

It's so hot, and watery, with a slight taste of ham.

I also enjoyed that casual little joke

Those of us that thought Kyle was the Human Kite got the joke but there were several unbelievers

Lord knows they're squinters

I agree with those above me, the jokes were terribly predictable.


^ agree, she reminds me of that tranny chick from basketball

Guess Kyle wasn't Mosquito after all.
Guess that means I was right, to all those commentators who were so certain that he was and that there was no way he was the human kite, guess you were wrong.

So Hale wanted his brother dead?

Gemma just found out that Trinity's John's kid, theres no way that Jax knows.

She looks pregnant at the halloween party because shes pregnant in real life


For all those saying that Mosquito is Kyle because of the voice, I must say you're all quite good for being able to discern a voice that is clearly using a pinched nose type thing. Kite Man's voice is way closer to Kyle's.

I think it's pretty obvious what the Turks are doing with the Thunder Muscle. They're making dirty bombs. The drink being slightly radioactive, them plotting points through the city.

Every Which Way but Zeus was made better by Hatred. The whole fake kidnapping Venture was awesome.

^JR Shooter, It was "I don't know this song" followed by "That's because I just made it up"

Old White Guy Says?

I have never heard anyone call it cal.

What a good looking question.

Hey I live by the quarry, we should get together and throw things down there man.