Ghost Robot

Nope the best part was the callback to three penis wine. I guess we can all agree that the best part was Taco's ad.

Oh you know they just gotta be

hey o

I don't see troga as ever being a real thing, isn't yoga more about bending and stretching, most of the moves are difficult if not impossible to do while running/walking

Already said it two spots up

I think that the reason he would marry "someone who is so obviously committed to her Latino/Colombian heritage if he has such obvious disregard for the culture" is because she is the hottest piece of ass on two legs.

I also thought that Claire looked her best this episode. She seemed less gaunt to me.

I think Gabe was sick, that's why he couldn't go to the play.

I think that's more because the writers use her as a vehicle for one liners rather than fully developing her character.

I used to work at a country club with a ridiculous membership cost, I figure that Jay must belong to one of these. We had singles go out for rounds all the time and never saw a lot of backup on the course.

I agree with the original poster, I totally saw the pan of soda that they'd have to drink like cats coming from a mile away. Such a sitcom staple.

^^ but i wasn't it is al

Like Ronnie said, it's like fighting a baby. Little T-rex arms.

So apparently Ronnie has a nip ring, first time I'd noticed it, but according to other sources, it's been there.

Best Line
Tracy's legit. reasons for missing his sons' births: cooking a french bread pizza and he forgot

Donna said she changed the grade a couple spots up

The Fist by Stephen King

Common knowledge that Impossible is Hader, we're talking about Treister down here.

Well JJ's not really a main character so I don't think his absence will have the same effect. I wasn't even aware that they came up with some excuse for why he wasn't on the show.