Qweef Latina

1.5 inch LOLZ

Trapapper? And this whole time I've been saying Crandall…

What's a Xenomorph's favorite kind of music?

It means Courtney Love has an enormous vagina.

I'll have what she's having.

* waits for inevitable Bennetton gimmick account*

Come to think of it, what the @#$! DOES she know!?

So…hermaphrodite ghostbusters?

Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such films as "The Greatest Story Ever Hula'd".


"You'll go where I go. Eat who I eat. Defile what I defile. Mm?"

Do terminators have robo-junk?

Dang, third base on the first date!

Try it at work!

I bet you'll be big in Japan, comparatively speaking.

I have given "The Lion King" exactly zero of my dollars.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the threads of our lives…

I love that version!

Are you Jared?

Lord of the Dance