Jesus Condom

Kurt, in the garage, with the shotgun.

I've become fascinated with Australian politics thanks to an old schoolfriend who emigrated there about 11 years ago and told me about the Abbott fiasco. Since then I can't stop reading about it (and I'm a Brit living in California).

There's a great column about this lunatic in the Guardian:

"No talent required, just like Great Job Internet! articles"

Event Horizon is "brilliant"? I rewatched it the other day; while it isn't crap, it certainly isn't brilliant and definitely shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Alien.

Shhhh! You're pointing out that the emperor has no clothes!

So has anyone ever used the Great Job, Internet tip email to send something that's out of date and/or already run everywhere else just to see if the AVC will use it?

The Guardian does have a tendency to piss all over the American media in terms of quality.

Mostly our struggle was thanks to idiot politicians who couldn't come to terms with the loss of the Empire and America's emergence as an economic powerhouse, so they splurged money on defence and nuclear weapons instead of where it was needed - housing and ending rationing being the big issues facing the population

Yeah, I've had this bullshit from (now ex-) friends on Facebook where they've posted some right-wing screed/graphic whatever and I've made some minor criticism only to be told I'm a "hater" and I'm "infringing on [ex-friend's] freedom of speech."

The comment I hoped to see!

I think he's referring to Columbine by Dave Cullen. I've read it and it's excellent.


California, FFS.

Begbie is utterly, utterly terrifying.

I used to work in the LA Times building near the book section. Those fuckers did nothing.

An Australian cartoonist (First Dog On The Moon) called Trump a "gargantuan nuclear-powered tangerine death pastry" and a "glutinous velveeta-flavoured parasitic fungus beast". Just awesome.

Only one? Lucky sod. In my office there are four. It's hell.

I had the exact same response from an American friend (I'm British but live in California) when he asked me how much I liked paying high taxes to keep other people healthy and I responded, "You mean do I mind paying to save my cousin's life?" (my cousin had leukemia at the time).