Jesus Condom

Jesus, is X-Entertainment still going? I used to read that site back in 2000…

Cardboard in the UK.

Hail Satan!

Fair point. As for her admitting she's bipolar, great… what an advertisement for the rest of us.

I'm bipolar but don't need to attack people on Twitter or whatever. Stop lumping us all in together with this fucking talentless bitch.


It is absolutely real, and it's fucking insane.

Hugely upvoted for Flushed Away reference.

When you something eat it.

"Right you are, Ken."

"The actual daily routine of their lives in LaLa land is essentially identical to the ones they fled…"

Avatar/comment synergy perfection.

"I like the aliens better in the extended cut. In the theatrical cut they are just friendly"

I don't know who the girl in pink boots in that article's header image is, but I want one for Christmas.

"So I've heard you're a racist now, Father? What would the Church's position be on that?"

Make sure you don't land in Elegant Victorian Lady!

"Now, Mr Fawlty, if the good Lord…"

You've made me a happy man.

Please Christ let that anecdote be true