Jesus Condom


Yes. This.

A friend went to see Ride play many moons ago and told me he hated the opening act as they were crap. That band? Radiohead.

Branson? Sugar? Prince Michael of Kent? Which rich British guy?


I just read that Wikipedia article too. Dear God, how could anyone have thought that idea was going to work?

And it's in Pog form!

So the "suit" doesn't have armour for the body or legs? Just what did this human champion think he was, an Ultramarine?

Bloody love this song.

Yeah, the Grand Canyon is stunning, says a Brit who's seen it but not Stonehenge…

This post is 100% accurate.

The Mothman Prophecies? Yeah, total crap but she was gorgeous.

An avatar/comment synergy that will never be beaten.

It was an injustice that the kid was even on trial in the first place. The prosecution's case was utter bullshit; the defender was awesome and ripped their case to pieces.

Yes, Murder on a Sunday Morning is fucking excellent. Those cops were utter fuckups and the kid was so obviously innocent.

Yeah, a friend texted me to let me know and a split second later I got a Guardian app alert. Gutted.

So is enamel dishware the latest hipster "discovery"? Because I've got my grandfather's enamel mug from when he served in the Royal Navy from 1939-1946…

Is she one of those people who go on and on about the importance of freedom and liberty (sorry, I mean FREEDOM!™ and LIBERTY!™) for Americans but after a while you sort of get the inkling that they actually mean it's important for white Christians and everyone else can fuck off if they don't like it? 'Cos they're my

Sounds like an idiot libertarian I know via Facebook who's virulently anti-tax but who wants armed guards placed in all classrooms across the nation to keep students safe. Oh, he's also virulently pro-gun. Anyway, when one of his friends asked how those guards would be funded he replied, "We pay taxes, it may as well

Jerry Savelle? Is that Jimmy Saville's non-union Mexican equivalent?