Jesus Condom

Ginger Spiceā€¦ so many tissues used in worship of her.

That tweet was from January after the Charlie Hebdo attack, but on the other hand Trump is an utter fuckhead and it deserves repeating.

Classic response to Lowe's tweets: "If I were Rob Lowe, I'd hate to have any unpleasant scandalous stuff in my past that I'd managed to distance myself from right now"

As long as I can still say wibble, I'm happy.

Good point, CM. As someone who grew up in the 70s and 80s I know what you mean. But at least with all those ICBMs you knew who the enemy was. Not one of the people killed in Paris tonight had any inkling of what was going to happen and that's the most terrifying thing - the randomness, the unbridled hate and cruelty.

The day after the London bombings in July 2005 my cousin got back on the Tube to go to work. His reasoning? "Fuck 'em. If you're too scared to go about your normal routine, they've won." Enjoy the concert; like Soylent Green says, being there is sticking one to the terrorists and showing you're not scared.

Glad you're OK. Stay safe, keep strong. Only words, I know, but hopefully they help.

Any other words you'd like me to avoid in case you get more offended by them than by the fact 160-odd people have been murdered in one night?

From the Guardian:

Why? I'm not making a reference to skin colour, just that these maniacs acted savagely. From Merriam Webster:

"He said the gunmen first sprayed cafes outside the venue with machine gunfire, then went inside the concert hall and killed more before the assault by security forces."

I was just thinking that this is the world my seven-year-old niece and two-year-old nephew have to grow up in. Make me feel awful for them.

Good to know your family's safe.

Thanks. Nicked them from the Guardian's site.

Some numbers in case anyone needs them:

Yeah, we needed some comic relief and Kimberly provided.

Ah, shit. My bad.

Reports are saying five attackers are dead so far, four policemen killed when storming the concert hall.

Fantastic. Humanity shines through the shittiest times.

Yep. Sad, but sadly true.