Jesus Condom

Good point, other Jesus, but how long can the humane stay humane in the face of such savagery?

All the best. Sorry for your situation, it must be bloody awful.

Sorry, man. Stay safe.

Oh man. What a prick.

Agence France-Presse says there were seven coordinated attacks around Paris.

Trump is a cockwomble.

Glad to know your cousin's OK.

Take care

Oh and I've just unfriended a cousin on Facebook! One down, probably plenty more to go…

Have an office collection to get her a plane ticket to Syria.

Dear Rob Lowe: This is the reason so many Europeans can't fucking stand Americans.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Yeah, this is like waking up the day of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

From the Guardian: "Reuters, citing a Paris city hall official, puts the death toll of the various attacks at about 140 people."

It's not politeness, it's objectivity. A reporter calling the dead "murdered" would be in the shit. Just let them report it and ignore the terminology.

Jesus fucking Christ. This is horrendous.

Reuters is saying the Bataclan death toll alone could be over 100.

Simultaneously the nicest and oddest thing anyone's ever said to me lol