"…it’s the bag of oregano passed off as marijuana to gullible teens…"
"…it’s the bag of oregano passed off as marijuana to gullible teens…"
Mate, they don't even have actual journalists presenting the fucking news.
I've got the four-part comic adaptation of Condorman. It's only slightly better than the movie.
FFS it's the Royal Navy, not the British Navy!
I'm continually worried that my divorce lawyer is going to fire me because the damn thing has dragged on so long, which is all down to the wife.
Good post. Sums it up perfectly.
I get shit from a few people in my apartment complex when I fly a Welsh flag on St David's Day or during rugby tournaments. I've also had a couple of people comment disparagingly about the Union Jack stickers on my car and bike helmet. "Why don't you fly the American flag?" is the usual question I get once the abuse…
[remembers doing squats with a 90lb dumbell]
Yeah, it finally hit me while watching RotJ for the nth time that if a Scout raises his head to watch where he's going at 200mph, the sudden drag will rip his head off.
I have to admit, the bit where they find the dying Apatosaurus was the only part of the film that had any emotional effect on me. I couldn't have cared less about any of the human characters, especially the two fuckhead teenagers.
Ha! Perfect.
I have a Second World War Wehrmacht belt brought back from the war by a great-uncle. I always figured an army that wore belt buckles with "Gott Mit Uns" on them wasn't exactly atheist…
Vehemently upvoted for "We liked it so much, we let Billy Corgan carry the tradition into the 90s".
More to the point, how many will shatter when dropped?
Oh, I think you misunderstood. As an atheist myself, I frequently have to put up with idiots telling me that atheists are violent because Hitler was an atheist. I mean, he wasn't, but these are the kinds of idiots who don't let facts get in the way when they're telling me I'm going to hell.
By Fox News logic it would make you an atheist.
I actually thought it was. I was gutted to discover it's fictional. It's entirely believable that such a place would exist in LA.