
Walt's gonna end up being responsible for the death of one of his kids, right? I mean there's no other way for this shit to go down, right?

Walt's gonna end up being responsible for the death of one of his kids, right? I mean there's no other way for this shit to go down, right?

I'm sure I've said this before, but these reviews are really great. I've rewatched this series so many times, and you still always something that I not only haven't noticed, but is so insightful and interesting as to improve my experience of the show as a whole. Thank you.

I'm sure I've said this before, but these reviews are really great. I've rewatched this series so many times, and you still always something that I not only haven't noticed, but is so insightful and interesting as to improve my experience of the show as a whole. Thank you.

Yay! I've been waiting all year for these.

Yay! I've been waiting all year for these.

Am I mistaken or did Schaal actually put pills in Tracy's jellybeans in the first episode????

I thought pretty much all the clothes were awful tonight.
Although bert has gone so far into asshole territory I'm starting to root for him a little. Its kinda funny to watch quickly he can throw these sensitive designers into an emotional turmoil simply by being grumpy and standoffish.

I like your writing most of the time Nabin but did you really HAVE to point out how you, intellectual that you are, just couldn't get into the naked sentiment of the country singer? We get it, you are very smart and not at all maudlin or patriotic. Sometimes I feel you read this show in a very shallow way and miss

Angela thoughts
I loved this episode because I tended to identify with the Fishers in a way and see them as a "normal" family, but they are almost cast as villains in this subplot- they basically punish this woman for being herself and trying to be friendly, and she is cast out, beginning to doubt and resent the parts

I bet whoever was editing those "initial meetings with nina" segments was having a lot of fun. they at times reminded me of Larry David staredowns.

A slightly different take
I'm not saying that the Blueberries scene was sexy or even positive in any way, but I didn't see it as a "Louie gets exposed to a horrible side of a person". I saw it more as a pretty terrible night of sex punctuated with a strange, raw, real and kind of tragic connection to a person. He saw

I'm sure I've said this before but
These writeups are great. I've watched the series over a few times before but your analysis is getting me to think about the characters in new ways. I couldn't have wished for more thoughtful, enlightening reviews of my favorite show. Thank you.

Wait, the Moe is a rapist and Homer's intestines thing… are these… real things that happened on the show??

I always felt the Newsradio opening music was particularly dated and awful-sounding

I'm so glad this show is back
Loved the whole thing.
Can't believe no one's mentioned that the gay couple is also the tough scary gay couple from Seinfeld

I like the episode and it has some good moments but it's probably my least favorite of the series. Everything seems a little too much. David's great moment, while funny and exciting, stretches credibility way too much. He sounds like a supervillain. If I were Nate I'd be seriously worried. And everything about the

Agreed. I hated Season 4 at first but I've come to appreciate it. Season 5 is one of my favorites. The tone is different, a little drier… but no less good than earlier seasons.

Incredible write up
I have the series on DVD and have watched it… a lot. Glad to see how thoughtful and in-depth these write ups are. You should be proud. Super looking forward to following along.

I do disagree with what you're saying… to me, the mystery and suspense, similar to "how is po going to become the dragon warrior", was not "how is he going to defeat shen" but "how is kung fu going to defeat gunpowder". and the resolution to that surprised and delighted me.