
Man fuck you guys I loved it

great, great episode
i kinda want leslie and tom to get together now. it'd be good for both of them!!!

No no no. The proper response is "You're goin' down for this Cody"

I felt bad for Barry because he was so scared of falling and had to experience an event that clearly traumatized him, twice. There's something especially scary and sad about a character knowing exactly what awful thing is going to happen to him or her and being really afraid of it.

Is it possible that the references to the kiss were added late, to make it make sense chronologically? I wondered if that was the case, it seemed that the lines were a little fast and in some cases off-camera, but I may be misremembering.

I really think this was the best Archer yet, and one of the best examples of a comedy episode I've seen so far. I actually loved the Ruth stuff. I didn't see it as a parody of a cancer movie, I thought they were playing it totally straight and it brought it to a weirdly dramatic place. I can't believe how

Luxury dog park.
Poodles only. No pooping.

Saw this on TCM a few months ago
I really liked it, especially Sinatra's performance.
I did think it was sort of funny the lengths they took to (unsuccessfully) hide Mitchum's gut. He's a great actor but definitely did not look like a young med student struggling to get by, at least not physically.

I honestly don't understand the comparison. It's Garry Shandling's Show is so dry and meta. It seems like the two shows have entirely different goals. Not trying to be a dick, it just honestly confuses me when these shows get compared.

FlimFlam, I have no problem with guys who are basically just like Kevin Smith going nuts for Kevin Smith movies, my problem is Smith getting praised as a writer or director when to my mind he is awful at both. Just because he can tap in to a certain mindset doesn't make him a good writer. Fine if he makes a lot of

Can't stand this guy
Frankly I think his "honesty" comes off as manipulative. He's a no-talent hack who's only skill is pandering to schlubs.

Nah I'm with you hotrock. Can't stand Gabe's character assassination, its lazy as hell. He's a great character.


Langdon, I understand what you're saying, but I also think you're thinking of Holly as character "for" Michael, as the writers seem to be, rather than considering what her best options are. Michael DOES need her desperately, and DOES see her as his last hope, which is why Holly should stay the fuck away from him. If

Jerry Lewis
I fucking love that crazy sonovabitch

fuck michael scott
i find it insulting that the writers seem to think i would identify and root for him.


Yeah, the Mtich/Cam story made me roll my eyes
…but the moment where Cam was struggling to remember Angelica Huston's name in the middle of a crisis got the biggest laugh of the night from me.
Although the follow-up kinda killed it.

how can you include deniro on an aging badly list?? the dude is old-man-style fine as hell

Just rewatched Parks and Rec season 2, its even better than I remembered.
1. Breaking Bad
2. Louie
3. Parks and Rec
4. Don't give a shit, those three are all you need