
The Wright party in Humoresque
If only so I can go hit on a young Oscar Levant

Oh totally. I was wondering if anyone would mention that.

Dammit!!! Married couples with similar names should stay together for the sake of my amusement.

Yall have won me over on the importance/goodness of Susan. I had also forgotten about the prenup moment where she was genuinely funny. That's good enough for me.

How do we all feel about Susan? I always felt she was a strange character to stick George with. I don't recall her ever being particularly funny (except in the episode where she was a lesbian, but that was more of a funny situation rather than a character thing.)

I love Jason Alexander but
the phrase "penchant for disguise" is throwing up all kinds of red flags for me

"I can only say this about Let It Be video: don't remember doing it, and what a marvel of CGI technology. Don't know why or what it's for."

Now maybe I'm biased because I used to go to Rocky Horror a lot (because i was a dumb dorky teen girl), but it seems to me like abstaining from the virgin ritual means you pretty much abstained from actually participating. Maybe you'd have more fun if you did!

Jason Alexander
said on his twitter that he doesn't remember ever doing this and seems to think it might be CG or something. Which given the stilted, repetitive motions some of them are making, I can sort of see.

i wondered
why they can show will groping whatersname's tits in the "touch me" number, but had to replace the words "heavy petting"?

I was crying like a baby when Kors said "that was very brave". I don't even know what else there is to be said.

Seriously just suck some Nabin cock already, you're like a third grader throwing paper airplanes at the girl he likes

I thought Mike C's comment was a little bitchy, but in context counted as a white lie. When talking about someone's work I think it's sometimes a little rude to give mild praise. It's okay to bullshit sometimes. Plus I think he's just sick of being on the bad side of the meanest designers and I can't begrudge him his

Maybe its just because Ivy is so horrible
but I hated her look. It just looked raggedy and thrown together to me, just like her look for Team Luxe. But what the fuck do I know.

Well I think it also depends on what you mean by personal. Because even material that isn't about a comedian's personal life reveals a lot about how their brain works and what they find interesting. It just depends on how well a comedian can tap into that.

It's not that I didn't like that her hair looked natural, I just think it did not frame her face well, and it didn't suit her character as much as her old hair did. It seemed like a haircut for a warm and open person which Tara lately has not been. I think I'd have preferred it if she shaved her head.

I'm kind of surprised
that everyone thought the finale was so shitty. I loved it and was on the edge of my seat. Maybe I'm an easily-pleased dullard???

I was hoping Slumdog would be a little more ambiguous on the "did he cheat or is it destiny?" angle. Maybe the way it was advertised gave me a false impression of what the movie would be like but I was really disappointed that the answer seemed to just be "yep its destiny".

love this.
the way he delivers the line "you must really love this picture" gives me chills.

black rider
Yeah black rider kinda sucks except for Just the Right Bullets and parts of Lucky Day. That's why I love seeing them live, without the trappings of the album. Of course everything else Waits is gold. Orphans is so incredible, glad to see it get a mention.