
black rider
Yeah black rider kinda sucks except for Just the Right Bullets and parts of Lucky Day. That's why I love seeing them live, without the trappings of the album. Of course everything else Waits is gold. Orphans is so incredible, glad to see it get a mention.

Yeah, Mondo deserves to win but I sincerely want Gretchen and Ivy to die in some kind of murder-suicide arrangement and seeing Mike C. win seemed to have a similar effect on them, so I'm all for it.

yeah, twbb. i love the ending even though i can understand the criticisms. all i know is my brother and i's jaws were on the floor in joyful shock.

hooray stephen root
jesus if this wasn't an A+ what is???

yeah they never use flattering pictures for these things, i take em with a grain of salt. and yes the beard is TOTALLY working for him. and frankly i think his eyes are pretty! he has nice lashes. BUT ANYWAY.

he has a certain grace and charm, and he is witty and intelligent. also tall. what more could a gal want

all i want to say is
i have such a crush on this guy

I kept hearing that "Oh…no" in the previews and I couldn't wait to see what it was for. I was not disappointed, especially with the followup "I do not want to know why she has a zipper in the back"

shut up

"Damn. What's he got to do to be considered a pussy?"

Nah, I know he's not a pussy even if he got on his knees and begged not to get his ass kicked. But then we're past the first date.

probably the best episode so far. i was so tense when that guy walked over and started harassing them. and i loved that the show wasn't just content to let the bully be a bully, or even the bad father be a bad father. excellent from start to finish.

Stir Friday?

I actually really enjoyed Models of the Runway, in that it was fun watching terrible people do stupid, stupid things. I wouldn't mind a ressurection.

i saw this more
as an exercise in slightly different kinds of comedy, which i appreciated. i'm so, so excited for each new episode, they each have their own feel so far and it still feels fresh and new. what a great tv year this has been for me, i started watching breaking bad and now this.

what am i, not good enough for ya

nevermind, i found it, its the shangri-las. man its still giving me this weird bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

i can't remember what the song was
i recall hearing a song as a child, and it scared me deeply. All i remember is a woman's speaking voice, talking about some story about some girl she knew. The lyric that scared me was something like "It's true that you can never go home again." I was too young to know what that

i love "the deal"
my favorite part is kramer's heartfelt note to elaine, with the poem. i like when the characters express genuine affection for each other, and its a nice surprise since elaine and kramer don't get to interact as much with each other as they do the other characters. elaine seems the least put off by

i know, i just moved to the west coast and seeing him eat that pizza makes me more homesick than anything in the world