
Working from home on the internet, in McLaren showrooms.
The usual.

I'm also on a legacy account and have the same limitations.
Supposedly they're aware of the issues, but would only say "there will be more information coming when the claim form is posted."
For myself, I"m not sure it's worth the trouble, but on the other hand, I haven't finished The Americans yet…

The first response was "make a Disqus account, then port it over," but later responses assured that existing AVClub-only accounts should be made convertible as well.

"Every book is a children's book if the kid can read."

"Never underestimate the power of a good hairdo"… or, you know, the opposite of that.

He "never gives up."

Y'know, I'm torn there.

Ugh, that grandstanding over who Harlem belonged to really dragged the second half (especially since they seemed to stop showing any of Harlem - even the token barbrershop/club scenes were gone).

Not just from Singapore, Temasek is more or less a sovereign wealth fund: owned by the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, having the Singapore Ministry of Finance as it's only shareholder.

Death is a simple thing. It is, it is irreversible, it is inevitable.
But is supports complex emotions, complex reactions, complex stories.

Eh… sounds redundant. What does the second cop really add?
Unless—just spitballing here—what if the two cops were wildly different in temperament and personality?

Have seen a ton of that going on, but you know what? If you throw a "Unite the Right" rally, and you invite Nazi groups and they accept, then it would seem everyone agrees they're on the right.

Well, that could cover a lot. Probably the most appropriate category from the Inferno would be the Sowers of Discord, "ready to rip up the whole fabric of society to gratify a sectional egotism" as Wikipedia quotes Sayers' gloss. The 8th circle, 9th bolgia: they are hacked at by a demon, carrying their open wounds

Actually, the vestibule of hell, (“Heaven will not have them, and the deep Hell receives them not lest the wicked there should have some glory over them” Canto III, Mandelbaum translation), where their punishment is to endlessly chase a racing banner through biting insects.
