
That's perfect, in a pinch it can also do double duty for the mosque bombing in MN that he never acknowledged.

So long, Will and Grace; hello, Dharmar and Greg!

I got through the first episode of season 2 and decided I should have quit it long before.


To be fair, this guy never identifies himself as a sun-worshipper, that's the AV Club's error.

A couple of states even had dual governments (Missouri and I think Tennesee).

Only if you pay for it.

You stupid monkey!

It's the story of a meme

…and a womeme.

Not likely. From the Kinja town hall:

I don't understand what's so hard about splashing some drops of bitters into a glass. Can't take more the three seconds.

Strange, I've never not seen it done. Maybe not as dramatic as all that (I presume she used a larger absinthe pour for the cameras) but at least a swirl every time..

It's the story of a man

…and a chair.

My parents used it through the 80s.
Until we moved to Missouri, where it drew crazy-person suspicions.

Our grandmas would have gotten along.

Wisconsin is still a mostly 'soda' locale.
Coogin's Chicagoness is showing.

We try to keep Anne Hathaway out of view more these days.

I've been getting an Anna Paquin vibe (pre-True Blood).