

I'll probably port my account over but expect my commenting habits are going to taper off (especially if the front page even remotely resembles that test page).
Probably for the best given what a productivity suck AV Club has been at times, but there it's definitely a gap that won't be filled.

"Indents? No… I'm not sure that could ever work. I'll 'definitely' look into it, but that just doesn't sound right."
-Ernie (Kinja Tech)

Yeah, you're sitting on almost 1200 there—double the numbers brulio2415 got for "Dog Years!"

It's a good video, but it drives me crazy when they narrate that the digital reverberator "created reverb with circuitboards and algorithms" as though this needs special emphasis. It's 2017, you're posting video to the internet, you don't need to square quote 'circuitboards' or 'algorithms'.


Unlikely, nationalist parties tend to be really old-fashioned in their style. The Nazis pushed Heimat style and talked Mussolini away from Futurism and International Style modernism.

Very rarely, a few times in a lifetime, you open a comment system and when you close it again nothing can ever be the same. Walls have been pulled down, barriers broken, a dimension of feeling, of existence itself, has opened in you that was not there before. Kinja is a comment system of this magnitude.
Ernie (Kinja


If I'm not mistaken, they're still a thing, it's just you'll get an initial approval if you go through the claims process. Of course any new commenters will be greyed and I'm sure it's always possible to be demoted.

I read 'Night Kinja"

And it autoplays! Even better!!

In high school we played basketball against a Catholic seminary whose bathrooms were all like this—just a continuous running mirror above all the urinals. Many jokes were made, no one boxed out.

A confederate water fountain, eh?
Would you say it's a…
bigot spigot?

I don't know, that sort of strongman tactic might have just won Trump over. Maduro has just leapfrogged over Duterte on Trump's list of favorite people.

I see you've played knifey-knifey before.

I bought a beret at a Wisconsin Goodwill in high school.
It was not raspberry colored however.