
Well, she was right in her guess that he was a lawman—-she just couldn't have imagined he was a "Shane"

And now all of a sudden they need to make runs for African-American hair care products!

Sure, the writers have turned Rick into Shane—that seems clear.

Hey, moral relativism—-whatever else one may say about it—-is NOT tantamount to sociopathy. You are either an ignoramus or a nutcase, or both.

Damn it, it's not a documentary!

It wasn't "sociopathic": circumstances dictate morality, just as triage is applied in a catastrophic situation.

Survival of the group is more important. Your extension of the logic to a child rapist is inflammatory—-that is not the case here, where the crime is localized to Pete's house. Keep walking!

Given the state of post-apocalyptic society, the coldly logical decision would be to expel Pete's wife and child.

I think Carl (and along with him, Judith) would stay—-Carl has already bonded with Michonne, and she's committed to Alexandria. Plus even Rick would likely advise Carl to stay, just because of the dangers out there.

He could become like the doctor in Atlanta, unable to refuse because of the alternatives.

Walkers of Mass Destruction.

Do not mock the Coupling Tree!!

Yes, which is why she was swayed in her decision to admit Rick's group by Daryl's opossum.

Yes, I think the finale will start with a confrontation between original Alexandrians and Rick's group (minus Gabriel), but Rick will be saved from expulsion by some new external danger, likely the "W" group. Nothing unites people, or diminishes ideological differences, like that.

I wondered about that, too! Way to prioritize…

Deanna's decision to ignore Pete's abuse because they need his medical skills, while disturbing, is perfectly logical in the zombie apocalypse. In fact, rather than exile Pete, she should consider exiling his wife and kid—-that stops the abuse while keeping the more important contributor to their society.

I choose to believe they buried only his CDs.

I think Carol would go with Rick, but not Glenn or Maggie. Hard to say about Daryl, now that he is learning about moisturizing.

Sorry, I repeated this same point (about the fight) before reading your comment.

The Rick/Pete fight lost me: how could Pete beat up Rick, a trained peace officer with plenty of post-apocalyptic hand-to-hand combat experience? Pete is just a doctor, living in a protected environment, getting blasted on a daily basis (apparently). Rick should have had Pete out in a few seconds, if that.