
There was no decade-long evacuation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki—-residual radiation is not that much of an issue. Stop getting your science from 50s sci-fi movies.

Not so: nuclear weapons are not simply "hurled:" MIRV missiles carry warheads on a "bus" that reorients to enable hitting multiple targets..

Indeed. But this gaffe is among the least insulting of all those in the Arrowverse, or God help us in that of "The Flash"

1. Strategic nuclear weapons cannot be recalled, for reasons that should be obvious.

May the loess be more!

Oleg's father called for Nina's execution.


Definitely running out of material.

Just as in BtVS, there always has to be a Bigger Bad in a show that runs so long.

It would be best for most viewers if it were Aaron—but it would also be an immense cop-out not to kill off one of the lead characters. Eugene would be second on the cop-out list, Rosita third.

That was a superb detail!

The problem is what will Ravi do with Major—-Ravi doesn't know about the freezer, which in itself would give him the explanation Major could not.

This is my favorite of current shows. However, a Chevelle is _not_ a "hatchback"—-I owned one, and it had a normal trunk.

Patron Saint

"Hacker Felicity" almost ruined my fantasies about "Sexy Librarian Felicity"—-almost!

"Gulf" by Robert Heinlein (1949).

What is your standard?

I NEVER see them as "two different actresses"—-the portrayals are far too shallow.

Ferdinand knew _he_ wasn't a Neolutionist (sp?) so it had to be Lurch.

Shay is working for the Fae.