Stomping on venomous snakes!
Stomping on venomous snakes!
I would love that!
As I've already noted, much closer to "Forever Knight"
Yes, but I don't think Loretta knows that. Raylan has made no secret of his intentions, but Boyd has tried to keep his plans to rob Markham and disappear secret (and surely Raylan has not shared his knowledge of Boyd's plans with Loretta).
Loretta is so much smarter than Markham: had he thought to employ the locals without making them leave their homes, he would have had all he wanted. Just like Raylan, her understanding the community gives her a big edge.
She knows Raylan isn't sticking around, and that he doesn't really care about Harlan. She made the smart choice, presuming Boyd survives—-and I recall she made a comment to the effect that she thought he would.
Ava looked about as good as a hillbilly could—-when does she find time to shop for sexy dresses, and where?
But that was through concrete—-metal is malleable.
Any 5-star hotel will dispose of bodies without questions.
I agree, but I thought maybe the chain was old and corroded to the point of some brittleness.
This was an amazing episode, mostly due to Loretta's rabble-rousing, take-charge address to the locals at Markham's party. Now that she's allied herself with Boyd, I've redoubled my hope that he survives.
I had high expectations for this, and they were met!
Atheists avoid the word "harp" for symbolic reasons. :)
"Simple minded" because I can reason my way out of a paper bag? "Simple minded" because I don't need Russell's Teapot to tell me how to live my life?
No, he's not too paranoid. I get tricked into arguments all the time by Christians who know I'm an atheist, their goal to proselytize.
Sophomoric and also just plain wrong. You are excused from this discussion.
First, how observant of you to use the masculine pronoun.
Yes, which is why I immediately bristle when Christianity is invoked in an otherwise secular context.
I had a very lively but civil discussion with a fundamentalist Christian friend of mine about morality and ethics, he believing they can only derive from God, I offering secular alternatives.
Well put!