
It was so jarring because there is absolutely nothing in this series (or BB before it) that suggests any religious motivations. Of course a religious person can always twist what they see to fit their belief system, by dint of procrustean circular logic.

Linking to "Think Christian" ("No Such Thing as Secular"), Ms. Bowman has lost me as a reader. I am not interested in reviews based on a Christian wing-nut perspective.

At any time before being entered into the record as their counsel.

You are correct as far as it goes—-but Jimmy had not been recognized by any court as counsel for the Kettlemans. Prior to such recognition, he can refuse to take them as clients for any reason.

Pehaps you are too stupid to get sarcasm.

He offered her a partnership and the primo office—-doesn't that say it all?

Stare long enough into the abyss, and the abyss stares back at you.

Aye. The very fact that she posted the rest of her musings on a Christian portal says it all.

I don't care if it tires you. And I didn't bring Lutheranism into the discussion, the reviewer did.

I thought it was just to set up the shot of Mike sitting in front of those wanted posters—-visually reinforcing the fact that he was on (or moving to) the wrong side of the law.

"When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal."

This episode highlighted Mike's integrity—-who says there is no honor among thieves?

A lawyer is free to drop a client at any time, as far as I know.

An attorney won't go to trial just because a client demands it: he or she would simply drop the client—-there is no obligation to "treat the patient" as there is in medicine.

It was the right thing to do for Kim, whom he obviously loves. Plus, having accepted the Kettlemans' bribe, principles of legal practice were already out the window. And he knew Kim's deal was the best possible outcome, so he _was_ looking out for his clients.

Agreed—-this was by far the best, sharpening Jimmy as a capable but doomed dreamer (with malleable ethics).

Hear, hear!!! I was both surprised and offended by that comment, and her link.

The problem is that anyone who's viewed BB knows that Jimmy/Saul isn't going anywhere. While I'm sure there will be plenty of interesting plot arcs, I could not share Jimmy's pride in his new offices (for example), knowing what I do. The same goes for his relationship with Kim, alas. It's all somehow hollow.

Lutheran? Please elaborate on Martin Luther's anti-semitism.

Turns out it's really hard to avoid grenade shrapnel. Aiden didn't appear to have been hit anywhere I could see. Well, it would have made for an added complication, and I presume the writers opted to keep it down to simple impalement.