
I was surprised by the viciousness of it, as emphasized by the bruises Ava sported the next morning.

Toss in a dirty diaper in lieu of tear gas?

I believe the gun Boyd handed Ava was loaded—-with blanks. The weight would have been about right (particularly considering she would have had no way to know how many rounds were in the magazine).

Even though Boyd gave Ava a gun loaded with blanks, she still could have killed him had she fired it close enough to his head—-witness Jon-Erik Hexum.

I can accept that it's something people think is real. But it isn't.

No, but it enables one to calculate the maximum voltage that could be induced by any given device. Hint: it's too tiny to matter to any biological process! Sheesh.

Ever take a Physics course, Donna? OF COURSE "electromagnetic sensitivity" was all in Chuck's head—it cannot be a real malady.

Aside from Eugene and Reverend Chickenshit, and maybe Judith, they're ALL badasses. The Alexandrians don't know who they're fucking with, in case they are.

Please don't let there be campfire songs.

Those two kids need to get it on.

I've wondered why they don't set up a trap for walkers—-say a large corral with a gate (or gates), and some noisemaker in the center to attract 'em—-then kill them en masse. Sure, lots of walkers…—-but at some point there must be a cost/benefit advantage in removing most or all of the walkers from a large area. In

No doubt you caught Maggie's wide smile after he decked Aidan.

The more I reflect on this episode, the more it bothers me that Rick's group had to turn in their guns. If this is the policy for all within the wall, why—-why wouldn't it be appropriate for everyone to be armed at all times? Either there is something nefarious in Pleasantville, or Deanna has far too great a sense

Yes, and by the way, I exiled someone, too—-she's in your Junior League now!

Interesting possibility, which I had not hit on; but: why? Morgan has guns, he trusts Rick, so why interfere with his play?

Carol's was brilliant—-she is playing the long game, holding back her antagonism toward propane tanks until she sees what the catch is.

In "The Americans" Kimmy actually said, "Don't bogart that joint" and I groaned uncontrollably. The best part of TWD at this point is the nonverbal communication.

A Bic lasts me half a year. :)

A man has to have an entertainment center, and there's nothing on TV….

Yes, I agree, and wondered if she might still be attached to that hypothetical other group. Recall how seeing that flare spooked dance-boy while on the way home.