
What's a propane truck from New Mexico doing in New Hampshire?  Seems suspicious…

Brock and Walt Jr. join forces and take over the meth trade.

Problem: this episode showed Walt so physically weak, how is he going to wield the M-60 shown in the flash-forward?

It wasn't the fence—it was the security camera.

I guess to be fair, this isn't nearly as bad as "The Killing" - there is a plot arc, at least, one that seems not be made up as the season unwinds.

I get the relationship with Alma: ultimately sleeping with her as payback, part one, for what Marco did.

Did Tate poison all those illegal immigrants?  If so, why—what did they have to do with his wife's car accident?

He should have given the gun to Frye!  Now THAT would have been interesting.

Sure—but still it seemed like a cheap route to greater melodrama.

Not everyone living in Texas has a Texas accent.

I presumed Tate showed fake ID.  "Welcome to Mexico, Mr. Limbaugh!"

Of all the directions Marco could have chosen to throw his gun, why did he choose straight at Tate, thereby dooming Frye to be shot?  What did Marco think Tate would do with the gun in reach?

In an interview with Stephen Colbert, Vince Gilligan noted that since the show began there has appeared a blue crystal meth—-colored with food coloring.  Art imitates life imitates art….

How much must Walt love Skyler, that he didn't relish the opportunity to let Jack & his merry men wipe out all his enemies at once?  Or did he misjudge the situation, thinking if Hank knew, then so did the whole DEA?


Heidi Klum is 40—-what are the Germans up to now?

Cesar deserves a raise!

I will be extremely disappointed if Jesse's plan doesn't require a giant electromagnet.

All I got was admiration!

Todd and the neonazis he runs with are definitely a danger to Walt—-one he may not have anticipated, but who knows….