
Respect the chemistry!

Remember Huell didn't take the whole pack—-in the end he removed just the one poison cigarette.

I confess my memory is not quite clear going that far back in the series; but I vaguely recall Walt guilting Jesse about the missing cig—-and Jesse figured out that Walt knew then that the ricin had already been removed from the pack.

Just one—-I thought I saw rhree…

The less polished the performance, the more it would be believable?

I see many who think Walt's "confession" was a new low—-I saw it as an inspired move to thwart the dogged pursuit of Hank.  It was basically mutually-assured destruction: go for it, Hank, and there is a good chance you will never be able to explain yourself, no matter what happens to Walt.

Walter White is my role model.

"Excuse me!"

I bought it - pick my pocket once, shame on you; pick it  twice, shame on me…


True that - I forgot.  Thanks.

EXACTLY my question - did any heads roll because Gus Fring was found out, he having been seen as a great friend of law enforcement?

Then why go back for the ricin?

Maybe someone saw Walt bury his loot—tht would explain the flash-forward.

Great episode—well worth the wait!

I suppose Nolan, Irisa, and a couple others will be back in 2014 - but not many others.

Wasn't there an episode of "The Twilight Zone" that had a town trapped inside a dome?

How could anyone—even an adolescent alien—think that pointing a gun at a political candidate could possibly be seen as a prank?

Go ahead—keep killing off characters, without introducing new ones.

Why didn't anyone in Weaver's company have a Vohm weapon, in order to take out mechs?