Ass Dan

Lone Star
It's not the biggest role in the film by any stretch but it's a great lynchpin part. He just oozes a sort of nonchalant good old boy evil that dominates every scene he's in.

Wolfmans, thanks for pointing out the Wilentz article. Interesting read. It does disapoint me that Beck has such an animus towards Woodrow Wilson since I've been hating on that bastard for my entire adult life.

Yeah, I think all of my guesses on the series finale I made a couple weeks ago were dead wrong. Oh well.

We're all mature, reasonable adults

You know for all its flaws I happen to like Away We Go quite a bit. I found most the the characters to be a bit too broadly drawn, but there was some real heart and emotion underneath of it.

A little late coming to this but Gangs of New York is probably my third favorite Scorsese film after Goodfellas and The Departed. I recognize it has some major flaws but I believe that Daniel Day-Lewis's Bill the Butcher is one of the best performances, if not the best, ever committed to the screen. Moreover, as had

To each his own, but I genuinely enjoyed this movie. Just so much fun to watch and Tobias is totally correct about it's proper usage of CGI. I might have to check this one out again.

January 2nd, 1971 was the last day for on air advertising in the States.

Vic9, I think you're probably right. The only road block I see, admittedly a huge one, is if the show absolutely craters without Steve Carell's involvement. Truth be told, I've not exactly been keen on the show since somepoint last season (Mafia and the Clip Show are series low points if you don't count the pilot,

If we're doing theories for the last two episodes I'd be willing to wager, given the brief synopsis I've seen on wikipedia's list of episodes, that Don runs into Conrad Hilton and that he and his kids attend the New York World Fair.

I still like Sedaris but I'll admit he's certainly lost a step. His last story collection left me a bit cold. Maybe it's not his fault: writing about your well off lifestyle in France tends to lack the verve of your days of poverty and Elf costume wearing. Still, I'll probably pick this one up for a read anyway.

Will.i.am may literally be music's lowest common denominator but he's laughing his ass off making millions while doing it. What a world.

dadafari, the DNC might have tanked 2004 to draw a better hand in 2008, but I have my doubts. Also, the Edwards affair with Hunter didn't start until 2006 when he started running for the Democratic nomination for 2008 and that story didn't really appear in the mainstream media until July of '08.

Didn't Roger mention that Freddy Rumsen had killed something like ten or twenty Germans during World War II?

I'd like to see Toby defend himself at some point as well, Chaps. Unfortunately, The Office has generally avoided any type of permenant character changing story arcs. To wit, last season Jim is promoted and then subsequently demoted several episodes later, Dunder Mifflin is bought out yet essentially remains the exact

Definitely a mediocre episode and a rather unfortunate way to start up the season. It's especially disapointing considering that in the past The Office has had some pretty great openers: The Dundies, Gay Witch Hunt and Weight Loss come to mind. Most of the jokes fell a bit flat for me; I mean, do we really need


Not trying to be needlessly contrarian here but I think a television series based on Wiseguy and its background could be a fairly entertaining show. As long as it focuses on the 50s through 80s I'd certainly be willing to give it a chance. Just no psychology sessions for its lead character, ok?

I've always liked her as an actress and hope that she get's something better to do in the future. Still, I think she look's pretty good in this picture, especially for someone who has dealth with cancer recently.

Yeah, I'll add my two cents to the pile here: good interview and surprisingly interesting subject. Still I don't want to run out and buy any ICP stuff, go to a concert or not make fun of them, but it's nice to know that at least half the band seems to have a general clue for what goes on and a seemingly honest passion