Ass Dan

Bitch I haven't commented in two whole years but you know I'm still going to live forev—hold on, what happened to Scott Tobias, Nathan Rabin and *dies*

Bitch you know I'm gonna live fore—.

Bitch you know I'm gonna live fore—.

Community is the best comedy on television period. No doubt in my mind. There are two questions with regards to the show for me: how long can they keep it up and how good can it get? Just another brilliant episode in a season that, while not perfect (the season premiere struck me as being merely ok), is showing signs

J.P., I too found Vin to be less of a douche and more of a sadsack tragic figure (well, as tragic as any bent cop who enjoys hookers and beats up civilians can be). One of the better minor characters on the show in my book.

Well, I don't know about you, but if I'd lost something I cherished and wanted to succeed at, I'd probably be even more vindictive than Conan has been. Also, isn't this the second week of his new show? I doubt that's going to be a constant feature from here on out.

I haven't picked up Schneider's book yet, but the Jean Teasdale Onion columns have long been my favorite semi-regular feature in that publication. Maybe its more a commentary on me, but I can't help but enjoy the sheer awfulness of her existence. Definitely need to go buy that book (Rabin's too).

The Structure
So it's going to start out with an awesome pilot, two great seasons and slowly collapse in on itself when its realized that the show was really all about God flooding New Orleans. Well, maybe not like that, but Drew Brees is probably a cylon.

"The Keenan Wynn comes blowin' in," MST3Ksized (from Laserblast)

One of the reasons I like this episode so much (it's easily a top five for me, and may be my favorite depending on my mood) is that it actually shows the FBI doing their jobs reasonably well. While the organization has some success on the show, they're usually portrayed as bumbling ne'er do-wells who can't

Ditto on the Deadspin decline. Outside of the AV Club and some political blogs, its still probably one of the ones I read the most, but it seems to be rotting away since Leitch moved on.

Smashing Pumpkins
Looking forward to their part (and, to some level, Liz Phair's) in your next article. Favorite band during high school, and that was just right around their Mellon Collie commercial peak, so I'd be interested to know more about their earlier days.

Thirded, or whatever. Just really well written stuff here.

incredibag2011, and yes, despite your views we have gone to awesometown with Fred Savage. He's directed the following classics: The Gang Get's Invicble, The Gang Get's Held Hostage, The Gang Solves the North Korean Situation, Frank Set's Sweet Dee on Fire, Mac and Dennis: Manhunters, Who Pooped the Bed, The Gang Hits

Pepe, what a great list. The question is where do they stop. The show has, what, at least another season to go via contract, and, given the fact that my workplace, a restaurant loves the show (lower middle class/working class viewers, though both front of the house/back of the house management and the bussers/prep

College Humor is hit or miss. Most of there around the office stuff or character based comedy is pretty bad. Their parodies are generally spot on or at least referentially funny. I give it a watch every month or so to see what they've come up with. Generally to the positive side which is more than most online mediums

I think I've stuck up for him before, but I like Michael Pitt's acting in the show. He's supposed to be an Ivy Leaguer from at least a faux money background from the Great War. To me he's just another fairly intelligent guy who has some form of PTSD from learning that killing another man is as easy as pulling a

Two Fucks,
