Ass Dan

They played Woodstock '99? Man, between them and Limp Bizkit I think they might have killed any attempt for a resurgence of the festival—not that that's a bad thing at all.

Football Rapist, that always bothered me to. Much of Milk's appeal as a gay representative was that he wasn't just some queen but a man who was seen as a real community leader. Penn does have a weird thing for accents: the one he used in All the King's Men happens to be one of the worst I've ever heard used by a

The whole Juggalo subculture is just so sad and trashy with its combination of awful music, pro-wrestling and vague populist Christianitythat I can't help but be amused by it.

Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood
I'm definitely looking forward to your thoughts on the third season premiere. It's not the show's best episode, but it happens to be my personal favorite. Just a day in the life style look at the characters with a good soundtrack and some well timed humor.

The Bar and other callbacks
Here's an odd thought I had while re-watching the episode: is the bar that Don and Peggy go to after the diner (in which we see Don eat some of Peggy's fries and does make me wonder if he's been to this place before as well) supposed to be the same bar that we saw in the first episode? The

I'd certainly take Gooding over Spacey in the list of biggest post Oscar fall off, largely on the strength that Spacey's career didn't start sagging until after he won his second Oscar for American Beauty. In between the two he gave another Oscar caliber performance in L.A. Confidential, while Gooding, though he's

Michael Cimino
Guy starts out with a pretty good heist film (Thunderbolt and Lightfoot), follows it up with a fascinating if somewhat broad award winning take on the American experience in Vietnam (The Deer Hunter) and then his career hits such a massive trainwreck with his western (Heaven's Gate) he basically

I've been looking forward to reading a novel from Jonathan Franzen ever since I finished The Corrections some years ago. I've read his subsequent essays and his two prior novels, and though I find his two earlier long fiction works to be rather forgettable, his essays remain works that I enjoy re-reading every

I don't have anything personal against Wiig or Armisen, but I'll admit to not exactly enjoying the majority of their characters. It is, however, Armisen's Obama that really drives me up a wall. Presidential parodies have long been something that SNL does rather well (even Reagan, who seemed to have the fewest able

I think Duck's very brief appearance contrasts rather well with Freddy. Here are two men, both obviously talented but both bearing the burden of their respective alcoholism in different ways. Duck attempted to abstain by himself, while Freddy joined AA. Given that Don's drinking seems to have reached not just blackout



Four Facts,

The Ferengi episodes are generally tolerable (as perhaps the most misbegotten race of the first three series, they don't have as many good points as some of the other species) in DS9. The Next Generation though, fuck me, they are almost universally awful. Quark is still fun though and holds up, as does Nog. Rom, eh,

Definitely first homicide.

I almost included Weezer, but I decided I wanted a narrow parameter of awesome first album followed by a terrible career (although I've heard Phair's sophomore album isn't as bad as her subsequent ones). Weezer, for all their faults, had one very good album after their debut (Pinkerton) and a pretty decent third one.

Exile in Guyville
Still one of the best 90s albums, but good God has there ever been such a marked fall off in talent from a debut to the current utterly awful music she's putting out now?

Literally everyone is given a pitchfork.

I was terribly displeased with my lack of memorial.

I died in the mud.