Ass Dan

I strongly doubt that Harry will be drafted. I'm not sure how old the character is but Rich Sommer is 32. Assuming Harry's in his early 30s, married, and a father, I rather doubt that he get's drafted, not to mention that one of his bosses, Bert Cooper, is apparently an extremely well connected Republican and would


I've always felt that the home life elements of Mad Men are the show's weakest link, and so much of that can be set at the feet of January Jones. Sure Betty's supposed to be a hollow superficial woman, but I can't help but imagine that there's be a bit more to the part if the actress inhabiting the role could, well,

I still like Dwight, though at this point I can certainly see how he could wear on some. Still, for all his admitted cartoonishness, I find him far less a showblocker than either Michael Scott, who seems to have continued to get progressively more obtuse as the seasons have gone on, or Kevin, who is being portrayed as

That's just cold blooded.

I gave Exile a listen recently as well. It's still as awesome as I remember, but you have to wonder if she basically used up all of her artistic talent on one effort. Wouldn't be the first nor last person to do so. But this new album just seems embarassing.

50s vs 60s

Also, in the Season One finale we get the Carousel speech and the truly crushing ending of Don sitting alone in his house the night before Thanksgiving, which would have been (and thankfully it was not) an appropriate ending for the series as a whole.
