Flag On the Moon

What's he look like almost naked? That seems to be a prereq here.

True master-race types shouldn't have to game the system by messing with their alphabetization. They'd be up front anyway, just because of their awesomeness.

I know people like Jeremy exist, but I could never understand why anyone thought he'd be a good fictional character.

I always play X's "Fourth of July" at least once, and have at least six beers.

The Butler of Yucca Flats

You can't prove that.

I love the implication that hating Kanye because of that somehow makes you 0.0000000003% more likely to someday give Swift a little of the old buttsex.

If you never listen to it and just assume the random snippets you hear on periodic CNN "those kids these days" clips is the entirety of it, then yes, one or more of those, plus the all-inclusive "asshole". It's an easy target for your demographic, like living in a city and hating country, or being in college and

Yeah, it sounded like he just wasn't in a mental place to be in a touring band, and just couldn't help passively alienating the other members. But he seemed to finally figure that out and made peace with it, which is cool.

We had to, and while no on liked it, the stupidest thing you could do was make a big deal out of it. Refusing, or being extra circumspect just put a target on you that could be seen from space; it was pure bullying license. If you just sucked it up didn't make a big deal out of it, you got it over with and got on with


It's always Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. That just seems wrong. They should either both have an alias, have one alias for both, or both use real names.

Not now, though.

I always feel bad but somehow, the Sam character is like kryptonite for me. Even seeing stills of his character fill me with rage. I just want to beat him to death with a tire iron. I've never felt this way about a fictional character before, and thankfully never about an actual living, breathing human. But somehow…

That seems awfully specific.

I can see nothing wrong with this idea.

That guy on the right really, really needs some facial hair. His lower face just has too much blank real estate.

I didn't listen to them for the same reason most people didn't. I never heard of them on the radio and no one I knew had any idea that they existed. Do they have any hit-type songs?

I can kinda see his point. When i found out Bruce Willis was a ghost the entire time in that movie, it seemed cheap. I mean, how are we to believe he fought off all those terrorists if he was dead the whole time?

First they came for the bad CGI, and we cheered because bad CGI is terrible.
There was no slippery slope and life was much better.