Flag On the Moon

Of course great white sharks have such a high suicidal rate, because they have great in their name, but deep down, most of them know they really aren't.

I once had a six-hour layover at Midway because I picked up the cheapest Southwest fight I could. Sometimes you pay things that aren't money.

I prefer the ping from the machine that goes ping.

These are like super-sharks, from Deep Blue Sea. They can ride those winds baby (and breathe air)! All those drones they keeping sending out to blow up people's weddings is just icing on the cake.

Holy shit! I was sitting there and trying to think of giant robot movies, and Transformers completely escaped me. This is the greatest day of my life!

Unless you're running on hot nostalgia, they aren't good. Coarse, greasy cake, thin lardy filling and that's it. It's like a collar-menu hamburger; there's all the things you want in a burger, and this one has a few of them. Yay.

It just seems like laziness; vodka is such an easy mixer, just add whatever you want in the whatever amounts you want. I guess if you want a fruity high right now because, I dunno, running from the cops, it works.

I liked this one; it seemed smarter and more assured than the Tim Thomerson-type set-up you'd expect. I did get annoyed at the end when then made the other type all mystical and energy-based; why not the same thing? We know one's good and one's bad; making one vaguely angelic like that seemed kind of cheap.

Have giant robots ever succeeded in the US market? People used to use Iron Giant as the poster-boy for good kids entertainment that parents whined about not having and then ignored they actually got it, Robot Jox was just silly, Starship Troopers jettisoned the armor entirely, and mecha are consigned to niche gamers

So, in the last 2000 years, I wonder how many other times the "god, possibly with angelic assistance, got me pregnant" answer actually worked with husbands who clearly weren't involved. I'd like to think at least a few.

Hey now. The version of the Consitution he sees only in his mind this week may very well fully protect concept of Sharknadoes. Next week? Iffy.

Anything you can say about Tara Reid you can say about America. Doesn't really work the other direction, though.

Don't most actresses have limited shelf-life? I mean, I have no problem with it being extra hard on minorities since there's always a selling-sex subtext and contrary to all available evidence, white males are assumed to not get turned on by ethnicity, but unless you look like a model past your forties, it seems you

It ain't the saga of Ben Reilly, but man, what is? Actually I've been thinking about this for some reason - is there ever any instance of cloning in Marvel comics that isn't terrible? I think they should stop.

Yeah, I mean, I've never got that men's tennis' "superiority" is anything other than neanderthals clinging to their imaginary paternalism. The male players are less compelling and the whole thing seems like, I dunno, men's volleyball. I understand lots of others may not agree, but if any sport deserves equal pay, I'd

I never found them loathsome, just kinda dull. They were almost too real, somehow, in that even with their shticks, they were just kind of average people. Since I never found any resonance in the humor (I'm pretty sure in the two-dozen or so shows I've seen I didn't laugh once), I just didn't get it.

Hey now. Even Rick Rubins need to rub one out awhile, and he only ate all your Nutter Butters because he didn't want them to get stale. And who eats cookies without whiskey? Not a Rick Rubin!

Well, since it wasn't a Franco reference (and thus, pointless, as is everything Francoless), did you ask him why he had that picture?

I don't get it. Is it like "Tyejj Note-a-row, Lih-vay" or something?

Well, this interview implies that very few will ever transition their fame into an actual acting career. But if they can create a pop-culture presence and be tabloid fodder, you might be able to keep the fame and some revenue going. Being "that guy" on that seasons of that show means you might have some cool stories