Flag On the Moon

If I weren't at work, I;d to mock up a pic, of, say, John Houseman frowning and a caption of "No Dubs!" But hopefully no anime fans is actually that old.

No, because I don't lve yo.

Why would you sue people who are already working two jobs just to give you money?

It's a tough sell. You have a very silly concept, but (seemingly) played straight, which Americans usually have a really hard time with.

I'm not bailing dad out of jail again, if that's what you mean.

Drat! And here I was ready to join a new religion. Nice that I don't have to drive to Spokane, though.

Eh, half of America is like on fire anyway. I assume that Jane Parent just sees these minion-things as safe, slapsticky entertainment for her otherwise-screaming crotch-fruit, and was more than happy to pay too much to have them babysat for a few hours. Whereas on the other hand, I can't figure out why anyone would

Yeah, I've never bought the "Walt as corrupted good guy" concept. Walt was rot wrapped up in a meek unassuming facade, and when that got punctured the foulness didn't enter and infect him; it started leaking out.

Seriously? I did not expect that, though I assume that's heavily-international?

What's enough, though? I mean, if a show is killed after two episodes, well… actually, it's probably worth watching just to find out why. But, I dunno, 6-10, and sure; you're going to be left wanting. But should people never watch Firefly or Freaks and Geeks just because they're just one season? If it's 2-3-4; hey,

Wow. I think I broke his brain. I hope I get some kind of prize for that.

In the same way people write to have written, the actual creative process is never cinematic. But then most everyday things are pretty boring on film; actually demonstrating process may be used for context here and there, but cinema demands the big event. It's just for most things, the people who do them aren't

Yeah, I actually didn't get that one at all. Maybe Blair Witch only worked for me because of a childhood growing up near seemingly-impenetrable woods makes being lost and stalked in the woods really scary to me, but with PA, nothing actually seemed to happen. And then it ended.

Eh, I found that it was one of those "we want something new and different, but not really", in that so many of the complaints were about missing cliches and genre expectations. Not all of them - the acting was amateur, it was more about mood than event, few things have answers, etc. But too many times I hear "they

On one hand these stories make me sympathetic; for entertainment, time and expectation reasons, all movies and TV get really basic setting and job issues really, really wrong. Sometimes they try, but so much of real life is so non-cinematic and internal, it just makes a shitty viewing experience. So, yeah, doctors,

You're just fucking with me… right?

The Grapes of Wraith. Zombies are played out - these vengeful spirits lure tired, depressed, desperate workers with their sweet songs, only to consume their bodies to grow the cursed grapes used to makes the blood-wine that fuels the plutocracy rising from the ashes of the Great Depression. It's a zany romantic comedy!

Action figures! All they need now is an X-Box Live platformer, a comic book mini-series and a lunchbox and they can have all of the micro-indie niches filled!

The crouton they have me for my lunch tomato soup matter less. But per yesterday's article, yeah - the true failure in reality TV is passivity. So if you're not that bright, you're gonna say something, anything to get attention because if you got nothing, per the show, you are nothing and will be gone. So casual

Yeah, the election cycle won't really get into full batshit levels until early 2015.