Flag On the Moon

Sure, because calm, reasonable people just chillin' and living their lives is pretty dull. Being one of them, having reliable friends who are them, sure; but a nice, calm hang-out vibe isn't going to be appointment viewing for 13 episodes. So you fill it with freaks, lunatics and drama queens and shout "go".

Sort of. I mean, what I got was "don't go out and obviously start a fight, but don't back down from one either, and don't avoid interaction". In practice, yeah, it's largely identical. But it's not exactly the same, and most importantly, what he asks probably looks more "real" on video.

Now is the Franco of our Franco
Made glorious Franco by this sun of Franco;
And all the Francos that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the Franco buried.
Now are our Francos bound with victorious Francos;
Our bruised Francos hung up for Francos;
Our stern Francos changed to merry Francos,
Our dreadful Francos to

It's like the pilot of Bakersfield PD, where Esposito realizes his kid's dad is actually the sperm bank guy and so are all the kids the same age in the area so they're advised to move as far away as possible.

Maybe it's about people so put condoms over the heads of infants to suffocate them? I don't know why anyone would do this, or if they'd fit, but I'm guessing it makes about as much sense as the actual book.

It seems like it would be hard to sell it with two of them. In a group, the power disparity can be hidden a little, but in a movie, it sounds too much like "Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit". Especially now that F/X can really go wild with Superman's powers.

It could just be a disappointing middler, with mediocre reviews, a strong first-weekend take, a huge drop-off and then enough from the internationals to get as close to profitability as Hollywood accounting allows.

Marvel's fanbois will complain when changes are made (such as the Mandarin, organic webshooters, whatever) but because the characters are less known, they don't have to care. Joe Filmgoer will take the character as presented. With DC, Superman and Batman (and until proven otherwise, for movies, that's DC), the guys

There'a a scene where a guy in mirror-silver samurai/mongol armor hails a cab, gets in and resumes the chase. It combined the mundane with the ludicrous in a way I've never seen before. The movie itself was terrible, but it had a weird feel that made it feel unique and clever - without being any less bad.

It's like it you lose your job as an ambulance-chasing shyster lawyer, at your kiss-off/getting-fired party, they all ask you about what your new position will be with the RIAA and what (and whom) you're going to be doing. You don't even have to apply; it just sort of happens.

You'd think there's be agreements and contracts and laws preventing that type of thing. Not that that should matter in a Vince Vaughn movie I guess.

Smither's vacation in "New" Mexico?

Oh, I heard it at the mustache parade they have every year.

Yeah, I tend to agree with Jay more than Mike for some reason, but they'll say a movie was kinda shit by they enjoyed it, and at least try to explain that. And while the skits stuff can go way too long (like Plinkett's stuff in his), they do throw out stuff here and there that's actually useful to know.

I haven't seen it, but have seen multiple reviews note that scene in terms of demonstrating the weird tonal shifts of the movie. And yes; PG-13 was invented for Temple of Doom, so maybe it's some kind of homage. But unless it really works in context somehow (and most reviews are saying it explicitly doesn't, fwiw),

Red Zone Cuba is also "weird".

Sweater science is sadly underfunded. That's one of the many reasons the aliens refuse to visit the non-insane.

Vin Diesel in a wig! Seriously; cast as Batman first and Bruce second - someone who looks like they could take a few punches.

With a little gin and some almond extract, the juice of jealousy makes a fine cocktail. You should probably stop at one though.

It's also a PG-13 movie where a man cuts out someone else's heart and eats it.