Flag On the Moon

Besides being a silly idea filmed at a location with a whole lot of problems that really shouldn't've been surprises and an old lead too ill to play the part?

I think if you have sex with cartoons the world blows up or something. Didn't you learn from Cool World?

The best Cage scene is pretty much any time he's on-screen in Deadfall.

A liver is like a boot; it's not quite right until you've worn it in some.

He's doing the new Left Behind. He's pretty much bulletproof.

Old fat man talks shit about famous people he barely knows; he really lived in the wrong era.

It beats inexact revenge, where someone's gonna pay, but if it's just a guy who just kinda looks like the person who wronged you, it's probably close enough.

I guess "naked the whole movie, for no reason anyone can pin down" is a place he hasn't gone. Yet.

Few people know that revenue for actions performed in a bear suit count as only 90% their appraised value. It was one of those ill-considered laws they passed to try to get enough people to move to Wyoming so it would seem like a real state.

It was the 70s, man. It's when America found out how fun it was to watch people beat the shit out of non-protected minorities on the big screen!

This is America. Selling outdated unfunny novelty t-shirts is one of our most cherished rights.

Dickachu boner juice; apply directly to forehead (if that's your thing)!

Happy Endings that don't involve should involve Eliza Coupe and not people avoiding prosecutions for having sex with teens. Just sayin'.

I assume that between now and the time the universe reaches its heat death, all of Troy McClure's films will actually be made. Hopefully not by Lars van Trier.

So he's Reed Richards without friends, a personality and/or any sense of adventure. And his two biggest contributions are creation of a genocidal robot and some domestic violence (yeah, the shrinking thing could count, but only Ant-Man has any kind of reader penetration at all, and even that's marginal in the best of

Yeah, he just seems to be some guy they feel is "part of the picture" even though he hasn't ever earned it. Like golden-age characters who died natural deaths because they had reasons to be unpopular that comic writers inexplicably feel a need to rehabilitate just to prove they can.

I'd always heard that the reason that reality TV is so popular is that it's cheap to make, since you don't have to hire fancy writers or take the time (and in showbiz, time is money) to write stuff. Here he says that reality TV isn't under the WGA, so it sounds like they only real difference is that they pay people a

I never got Marvel's fascination with Hank Pym. He was always a charisma-free asshole, but they just kept bringing him back. I assume he's some expy of someone who works there, but over and over, they just keep serving him up. It's like they think "morally-troubled" means "interesting" - a dry run for the pretend-deep

Boat-whites aren't like regular, garden-variety whites. Boat-whites are on boats.

It's probably fine so long as you have some money or at least know the right people.