Flag On the Moon

The theory seems to be that if we make poverty hellish enough, the poor will suddenly decide not to be poor, like it's some easy choice that they'd just never considered. The insanity of mandatory sentences driven by fear-promoting 24/7 news cycles may seem fine as long as it's no one you know. Until it is.

Two hours of non-stop Muhammad O-face. because fuck it, we're NBC and we just don't care anymore.

Americans like beating up hippies and anal sex? Yeah, like that's news.


Trible 2: The Chief

He could just be off camera like the adults in Peanuts.

I dunno, that pars in Genesis where Joe begat Blow who begat Schmoe who begat Moe was pretty fucking tedious.

It's always been a bummer that Jesus didn't keep a diary. That probably would've cleared a lot of things up.

"Dad! Kystyah's house has a Rick Rubin! How come we don't? All we have is that lame-o Freddie Prinze Jr and he smells like old cheese! The kids at school laugh at us, dad!"

It also pays a lot better.

Oh, she knew.

I was thinking Adrian Pasdar.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Though it's not clear if that sort of lesbian subtext is going to be as popular.

Hey, drink whatever you want; I'm not gonna judge. But dribbling all over is just crude and beneath you.

Mob Doctor!

Nothing quite puts you in the "I hate life and myself" mood like 10-dollar gin. Maybe Canadian vodka in plastic bottles. Maybe.

I've read all the books; it kind of is.

That reminds me of when my high school electronics teacher got upset because one of our calculators there was an AC button, and he thought that meant "alternating current" and that was impossible. And all we could do is sit and wonder "you live in a world where you would expect that's what that could mean?"

I think you're confusing this with the Moby thread.

Eh, I'm thinking a rough-placeholder sketch. Maybe vaguely-ethnic with a steady job that doesn't need identifying. Bleached-blonde girlfriend with one off-putting habit? Over-the-top mother issues? Insists Haig is the best president we never had? Eh… we'll have to see how the mains work out before we commit.