Flag On the Moon

"I never realized how boring this game is."

I dunno; we just need to have Obama come out and say that domes around towns are the worst thing ever and that his administration is 100% against the construction of clear, impenetrable domes - and then sit back and watch 'em pop up all over just to spite him. Bootstrappy!

I've got wood… for wood!

I dunno; can you dance to it?

Think of how much cooler Back to the Future would've been if they had used a different car. "You built a time machine… in a Ford Pinto?"

Can it have Martin Mull as the irascible father figure who no one can come up with any lines for so he's just kinda there in the background?

But Mindy is a hit! Sure, viewers might not like it, but they're stupid.

I feel for you man; montaging is serious business!

The problem is that this only exists as a commercial entity because of the writer's name, and not because it's a product that justifies its own existence. It's the triumph of brand over product - like a cash-in album by a band that ran out of ideas decades ago. Yes, the fans always want more, more, more, but that

@avclub-72c26dade152f790ddc1cb0559c2ba96:disqus I love how on the combined album they have that twice. I mean, if you had to pick any song from that area to appear twice, boy, you sure couldn't have done better than Vamos, right?

Maybe Kelly should've used some of his kung-fu on LT.

If you're not going to see it anyway, why not blame it on Obama? I'm sure it gets people laid here and there.

No one ever makes yam pie. Since I like yams more than sweet potatoes, that makes me sad, but not sad enough to make one myself. I need a lady, I guess - one creative with pies!

I still remember seeing Cool World and we all thought that was so terrible, we needed to go back and see something, anything, that evening to get the taste out. So we say Universal Soldier, and in comparison, it was awesome. I doubt it actually was, and that if I saw it again would probably be kinda bad, but I still

We've already got a gangster, but actually his DPS is terrible so we could use you if you're geared. We really need a decent nun, though - after the latest nerf our mullah just can't keep up and is constantly oom.

I wonder how many other people mysteriously forgot to rip that one when they uploaded Surfer Rosa. I mean, the first time it's… I dunno, "cute"? But… yeah. It's not quite the album-flow killer as Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Around from Give Me Convenience or Give me Death, but it's close.

I'd heard that they went decades without talking to each other, as members of a four man, constantly-touring band. That sounds unreal.

This was his big chance to be "the one in shape, relatively". Ruined, all ruined. he's still holding on to that wig and some of his sister's clothes, though - just in case.

Yeah, read that the same way, but when it didn't get elaborated on, figured what he really meant was Batista's sis. But hell, maybe Quin is now so incredibly inconsequential that it's like, hey, incest, whatever, blah, blah, blah…

I'm just not convinced that their new ideas are all that good. At least, most of the time, when they remake old ideas at least there was something good about them at one point.