Flag On the Moon

@avclub-12a6b31534819f646bd9bf5e8a99756d:disqus Oh, I was referring the theatrical version - I hadn't seen the DVD one. It does sound better, at least.

Yeah, it really had me until the last 15 minutes or so, and then it was like "…eh, *that* was the best you could come up with?"

"Walking On Sunshine"?
Yellow's "Oh Yeah"?
"All Star"?

He saw the love  Reposted a7x Fan gets, and just said "me, too!"

9/11, baby. It's the new 'Nam.

The original one, though, utterly collapses in its own logic, in that he's hallucinating people telling himself things he'd have no way of learning before he got shanked, meaning they might as well have told him it was really orbital mind-control lasers for all he could've known. I guess you can say the hippie doc

Does it? I mean, the conflict in the first one was something that was organic to the story. If they really have a great new idea and something worth saying, that's one thing, but if it's just a generic "family is good; be yourself" message wrapped around Central Casting Badguy #38, not so much.

Hey, now. ElDan has probably learned his lesson for a day or two after his ElBan fiasco.

"Haha - it's funny 'cause I don't know her!"

Well, the last time they let a Pixar guy follow his dream and make a big-budget live-action film, man… they only had to write off $200 million. But hey, it's not like that's coming out of anyone's salaries (well, other than the people who got fired, but they're on the inside and it's not like they didn't get new jobs)!

Sweet; Do No Harm. It ain't no Mob Doctor, but Jesus, what is (and that includes Mob Doctor)?

My peer group was too old to see cartoons about dinosaur children, but too young to have kids that wanted to. So we missed the entire thing, and really - I'm OK with that.

Sure, it's like asking them to list and explain the specific Obamacare policies that they're so dead-set against.

Once they're born they're someone else's problem.

Weren't the bad guys on the first year of Superfriends (you know, with Wendy & Marvin) all polluters and smog-merchants and stuff? It was over-the-top, but it was also the 70s, and the animators were high as kites, so somehow that was a lot more tolerable.

That just doesn't look very comfortable.

Men who doesn't use their body hair for industry are stealing from America.

But it's a band I loved years and years ago! So that makes it good somehow.

I've been there once, years ago, and it was entirely mediocre. Maybe I got a bad batch, but staying away since has been easy.

I'm intrigued. Is it made out of catfish, shaped like a catfish, or somehow related to, I dunno, fishing for catfish with your bare hands?