Flag On the Moon

I can't believe people would buy that book just to troll on the internets. It's not pay to play, people! That said, my problem with her was always the incredibly unhealthy food - the racism just seemed like a moonlighting thing.

Convincing the Japanese that their "scientific" whaling program needs a very specific sort of expansion?

Do going to bars wearing T-shirts advertising the local SEC football factory count?

Or not mayonnaise
I'm hungry
It was in the fridge

First they came for all the tasteless gimmick accounts…

Does that mean no shellfish recipes?

X-Men, expecially the last one (w/o Singer, fwiw) was almost explicitly gay-related. This is honestly the first time I've even considered gay issues to be the basis for the many right and wrong things about Supes Returns. Miscasting, tonal shifts, Jesus stuff, weird stalkerishness, unnecessary real estate-related

I dunno; he felt like he thought he was in a dark-ass Batman movie, in that there was a real nasty edge, a real anger there. But it didn't fit with anything else in the movie - it was a strange, totally orphaned performance.

You should watch Out Of the Past. No smoking there.

Like those last Exorcism movies, this is starting to be a surprising number of additional Mohicans.

People like being told that every instinct they have is right and nothing they've ever done or thought is wrong. Whereas those damned libs with their global warming and minority inclusion and what-not keep telling people they have to change what they're doing because what they're doing is wrong. Who likes that; better

I hope the bear gets his own POV chapter.

You're robbing yourself by not learning first hand how, in fact, it did get burned.

That's true; nothing makes hating women easier than a good dose of self-loathing!

Three hours is a long time in movie-land.

It would be cool to have a talent that bizarrely specific, even if it would usually be unusable. Hey, maybe I already do, and just need to write poems about folding laundry or paint frazzled housewives trying to calm exhausted toddlers or something.

David Caruso isn't looking so good.

You know, with a little more effort, this one could have all the plot. Sounds like a real game effort, though.

Yeah. I mean, I liked No Country, but I sort of got it, got the point, and was cool with it and done. But it didn't much resonate, and the characters had a way, for me of course, of remaining where they were if that makes any sense.

Was that horror, though? I mean, ghosts I guess, but it seemed more like a monster-movie/comedy, rather than a spoof or satire. But maybe i'm just spoofed-out.