Flag On the Moon

I didn't really enjoy watching it, what with all the passive, small, dead-inside characters, but I've probably thought more about it and considered elements of it more than any other Coen film.

Horror spoofs are like Christian rock; it just makes each one (treating spoof as comedy) worse. You get forced, unfunny comedy and horror that isn't scary. Maybe some shameless slapstick and constant mugging for the camera. What's not to like?

Razzies don't watch movies. They just line up supermarket tabloids with cast lists and then stick it to the vaguely famous.

Really? I dunno; to me she looks like a normal person, not an actress, at least in what I've seen. I suppose that's kind of an insult for some reason, but hey, there it is.

It would probably just encourage bad behavior.

I remember in the 80s and 90s they were locally famous since for some reason (and let's face it, it was probably a good reason) the local fire marshal here in Seattle had this personal vendetta against the band and he basically decided that any club that booked them would suddenly mysteriously fail a fire inspection.

Oh you were not.

I have this image of people seated nearby, looking in horror and then chuckling that, oh, that scamp - he just loves the actress on the film. What a card, jacking like that! Only to have it dawn on the girl that, yeah, that's what he's doing back there, only to find out later he's not an enthusiastic filmgoer but a

Because you'll be busy having sex with her mom? I'm confused.

It gets points for the three shells and Taco Bell's crowing moment of product placement.

Well, she can still do that with illegals, gay scouts and kids who wear their jeans too low, so she's OK.

I always thought she was supposed to be vaguely ethnic, though that might have been because for a long time I thought her mom was Tina Turner (uh, not w/ Ike) because they had the same last name and were both famous.

The best thing about Rex Reed was Myra Breckenridge, which was, of course, terrible, and he disavowed his role. The best!

I dunno; I don't have anything against her, but the stereotyped roles she getts saddled with are such an incredible turn-off. Like Chris Farley's "stupid fat guy" or Chevy Chase's "befuddled everyman", I just want to turn it off before it starts.

It was the trailers for Scent of a Woman that signaled to me that he had entered the "cash-in" phase of his career.

Oh man; I had such high hopes for this. A shame such a can't miss concept has found a way to inexplicably fail.

Remote Control?

Young people are a lot of things, but most of all, they're stupid. If the rumor has enough legs, they will actually assume it is a thing, and do it, just because the mysterious "everyone" also is.

Nothing but? More like all about butt! But really, guys getting fat is one of the few times that men get the same appearance-based objectivity that women get for pretty much everything related to their looks.

Sure, but that was mostly because he took 18 minutes to decide whether or not he wanted fries.