Flag On the Moon

I like to think that Porkins was actually part of the clone program, but one of weirdo aliens accidentally set "chunky" to maximum, so they were abandoned on some planet where they found some mystical bullshit because that's what always happens in Star Wars. But anyway, there's millions of defective Porkins clones out

Hey, we have an aging population that will be gradually less horrified by flabby old-person homoeroticism each year. Soon half of Hollywood's output will be 60-year-old guys oiling each other down, talking about their manly feelings!

Huh. They say that, but I hear it's mostly just stale Ritz crackers and Cheers re-runs.

I want to hear more about that T-shirt. If his cut is over $16, with other costs, that could easily be $40. That's some T-shirt!

Watching a guy explicitly not have sex for two hours may not set the box office on fire.

I'm amazed they can make enough from streaming to keep all of those people employed. Unless it's done at a loss until someone like Oprah can white-knight 'em.

I'm still amazed that anyone anywhere can move 968,000 units in one week in the second decade of the millennium, unless they're priced at like 10 cents.

I finally heard that song and while OK, I'm not sure I get how it's a big deal. It just seemed like a competent, professionally made dance track.

In college Biafra came to give a talk and we went to see him. Someones asked him in the Q&A why they's selected "Dead Kennedys" as the band name, and while his answer was tolerable (he said is was the symbolize the death of hope and social-justice-ambition during the 60s), it still seemed kinda lame.

It's the love that dares not speak its name, but instead kinda grunts and mimes it. Only at IMAX!

Sort of like multiple personality disorder and Fibromyalgia. Though at least we get tons and tons of shitty movies and terrible TV show plotlines from MPD.

Huh; to me it was "what happens when you're so self-absorbed you don't realize you're about to marry a clinical sociopath, do it anyway, and then cease to be useful to them"? And the answer was "you suffer, as does everyone around you."

No Fassboner, no deal!

Is it heroin? Ooohh, I hope it's heroin!

Plus it's hard to imagine a group of agitprop subjects less sexy than pharmacists (the models they hire as pharma reps don't count).

It's the hair, isn't it?

People like to pretend that context doesn't exist, and taking words and word use out of context is somehow proof of anything. It isn't, has never been, and anyone who is both honest with themselves and is smart enough to be able to tie their own shoelaces knows this. Saying "those people do it, so I can, even though

You get the impression that PR flacks are better at tactics than negotiation with their own clients. I'm sure there's someone around her, and Chris Brown, and others who just keep digging themselves deeper, that says "take a punch or two now, look humble, keep to the script and in six months you're totally free" only

I'm sure there's a louder, angrier, spit-when-you-shoutier forum that needs him now, because of the gay stuff.

I dunno; you'd think all those mental gymnastics would limber the brain up. Anyone present clear, coherent talking points (if not imaginatively), but for pure, self-contradicting nonsense, you really need to get your game up. Or at least you'd think so.