Flag On the Moon

Yeah, for CNN, I always think of Marla Daniels: "You cannot lose if you do not play".

Considering how many times its done, and the massive amount of money at stake, you'd think the science of the non-apology apology would have advanced a lot further by now. I mean, you feel all big and important doing whatever you feel like and not being told what to do and being a rebel and shit, get caught, and then

Ah yes, alternative fiction. For when you have enough ideas to finish a book, but none worth actually making the book in the first place.

@avclub-3a53af9e954d9043d860719e175d72fe:disqus Basically California refused to defend it, so a private group stepped in to do it themselves (similar to how congress acted on DOMA when Obama refused to defend it). So Roberts used that as an excuse to sidestep the actual case and just said that when a state refuses to

It's amusing to think of Tito sitting at his desk, looking over his four huge monitors, searching out celebs in trouble and sending them supportive tweets. He's running out of ideas for Amanda Bynes, but damn it, he's Tito!

And America is played by Patton Oswalt. It… it gets a little sweaty.

I knew a guy in college that was such a Data guy that when he found out Spiner was on Night Court started watching the show on the odd chance he'd get a repeat just to see him. It was really creepy.

Have you ever seen a cheetah that didn't have that cool, detached "it ain't no thing" vibe going? I haven't.

She was good in that movie whose name I can't remember right now.

They should call the new one Columbus Day and have the aliens just kill everyone with smallpox.

Hey, we're already being asked to support our own bloated domestic serial-killer story industry. Now we're importing foreign killers? America first!

The Coleman Francis Trilogy; movies to make you feed proud to be an American.

When I was young, I was really anal-retentive and a nerd, so deliberate misspellings drove me nuts. When people write "I luv you" or "thanx" or "thru" or have names that are clearly boring names, pronounced like boring names but spelled stupidly, it drove me nuts. I t still bothers me, but I've learned not to show

But what's great about him is he actually thinks about it and plans it; he's not wrong via stupidity a la Thomas; he's simply the King of Trolls.

Holy shit is this a weaselly, spineless court. Maybe next year they can just not take any cases at all and just spend the year hanging out at Kagan's pad pounding margaritas.

Hey, so long as he's down to get the friction on.

Mike from American Movie.

Stalin was the Bond villain before there were Bond villains. It's like by making him magical his crimes against humanity somehow aren't as real; oh that wacky Uncle Joe, he just can't help killing off a few million more peasants. *queue Yakkity Sax*

I got that since King's character was semi-autobiographical, changing him from a flawed, weak, but still decent man overcome by evil to a soulless, rotten person barely masquerading as a functional human, was taken personally. It must be hard to see yourself on a page, and have someone else come along and see an

The word of the day is "garbage"!