Flag On the Moon


Volleyball, eh? I guess… maybe… no, I'm just not seeing it. Plus, really, the mains in Akira (Akira and Tetsuo - that alpha asshole Kaneda was the most compelling character was amusing) were the least interesting part of it. The decay, the detail of the dystopia, etc., were all vivid and interesting. The magical

So… are you sure it has to be about zombies? I'm thinking jittery eskimo firefighter…

Hey now. You gotta respect the suede-denim.

Sometimes I think I should call them and ask them for some tips on what I'm doing wrong.

Supernatural, sure. America loves its make-believe. But keys? I'm not buying it. Maybe Locke and Combination, and they can add a subplot about NSA spying or something.

I saw it and I kept getting reminded of License to Kill, which I also didn't like

There's probably a point where you show it at Comic-Con, and if the nerds hate it (but other people love it), you've likely got a hit on your hands.

I did think they were called Manila wafers, so I always expected them to be spicy or something and they were just bland cookies.

Greaser's Empire

Huh. For me, it's James Bond. So some gay bad guy makes his move, it's more "eh, that's all you got? I get better lines at the DMV"  than some Rabinesque gay panic.

That's a nice idea, but I doubt it would hold up. F/X just makes it easier for the images in people's heads to get to screens. I'm too old to still believe that someone that doesn't care about characters is going to make great ones just because he doesn't have the cash to show people punching others though

I'm sure the theory is along the lines of "women will see movies starring men or women, while men only want to watch men, so why write off half your audience?" I wonder to what degree that's actually true (though I suspect it's at least true enough to be really fucking depressing).

Scalia could spend all day prank calling people while Thomas sits in the corner, on his laptop, silently raging at people on the internet. They could call it Hello, Nasty!

Nothing like being at a funeral and having everyone all hushed and nervous, waiting to hear what Journey thinks.

The family that glowers together seizes power together!

Looks like everything is coming up Milhouse again for Jonah Hill.

I think you're confusing Denmark with a different country.

This is about comic book characters. That gives shallowness license.

I dunno; the review makes it sound like one of those where you're constantly frustrated that you're stuck with the central story of two boring nobodies while the film keeps suggesting much more interesting stuff happening around the periphery.