Flag On the Moon

You laughed when she bought all that sonar, but who's laughing now?

I'd say me but I'm not really a comic fan, and certainly was too young when she died the first time.

"No offense, but you suck."

Comics are a niche medium that movies mine for characters and little else. You might as well refer to fan fiction for why Spock didn't understand why Kirk saved him at the start of ST:ID.

Honestly, most people can't be bothered to complain about dogshit movies. Who cares? It's the ones that were almost good, could have been good, that drive discussion and energy. There's emotion there, that some 50-Cent buddy-cop movie could only dream of stirring up.

I hope you have long visiting hours so you can see your family from time to time.

I thought the general rule was that the studio gets about half, so if the box office is less than double the outlay, they have to rely on merchandising, tax bribes, DVD sales or similar? If you spend $300 million on a movie and the worldwide gross is $320, you aren't getting that promotion.

When the audience has to do research after the movie to explain important scenes, consult other media for clues on what happened on the screen or make up bizarre pseudo-science to justify something that happens, the movie has failed. Failed. If I have to hunt down a radio play for 1967 to understand why the hitman is

I dunno; I haven't seen this but Star Trek ID definitely had too much action. I first really noticed it in the scene where Khan and Kirk had to fly from ship to ship (for some reason they didn't explain) a long way, so they couldn't just fly. There had to be debris, then cross-cut with Scotty running and hiding, then

Agrarian Rural Utopia is also a good band name.

I find the whole "I CANNOT KILL - except for the thousands upon thousands of faceless mooks who perish as collateral damage!" to be really offensive. It so desperately wants to have it both ways, to have rah-rah violence and fists-as-solutions, and to then step back from any consequence in the most cowardly way

Eh, the glurge that gets applied to that movie had ceased to be precious and has become just annoying. It was a popcorn movie, and was fine as light entertainment, but some kind of Godfather-in-tights it ain't.

Yeah, the public is screaming for adding wizards to their already-leaking comic-book hero mythology. Good luck with that.

Are there comic book characters that don't have that problem? Like, uh, ever in the history of comics?

He's an icon, not a character. Icons are nice to look at, but not for two hours.

America could use a more little sweaty sleaze, just sayin'.

I Dismember Mama!

We all did.

PG-13 zombies. Fuck nah.

Wahoo - David Morse notification!